Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Colombia: Cultivadores de papa en Boyacá anuncian crisis por producción a pérdida
Agosto 28, 2017

Colombia: Cultivadores de papa en Boyacá anuncian crisis por producción a pérdida

Los campesinos se solidarizaron con los arroceros en paro, y culparon de su crisis a las importaciones de producto dentro de otras razones.
Bangladesh expects huge potato surplus due to increased supply and sluggish demand
Agosto 13, 2017

Bangladesh expects huge potato surplus due to increased supply and sluggish demand

Cold storage operators in Bangladesh said between 15 and 20 lakh (2 million) tonnes of potato will remain unsold by the end of the year because of sluggish demand.
Scottish seed potato exporters set to increase tonnage to Brazil and Kenya
Agosto 12, 2017

Scottish seed potato exporters set to increase tonnage to Brazil and Kenya

Government representatives from Scotland and Brazil met in July to simplify the import classification requirements for seed potatoes. The game-changing meeting was organised and funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project
Agosto 12, 2017

Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project

In Scotland, a group of major potato businesses and public sector organisations have sponsored a £242,000 (USD 313,000) research project aimed at reducing the impact of potato disease blackleg on the Scottish seed potato industry.
Así operaba en cartel de la papa en los EU
Agosto 09, 2017

Así operaba en cartel de la papa en los Estados Unidos

Un reciente estudio revela que los estadounidenses pagaron más por las papas que consumían debido a acuerdos establecidos entre cooperativas de productores. El cartel llegó a controlar el 60% de la producción en 2005.
National Potato Council responds to the Mexican court import ban of US Potatoes
Agosto 08, 2017

National Potato Council says the Mexican court ruling banning potato import 'Ignores Science'

The National Potato Council, representing the United States Potato Industry responds to the Mexican Court decision to block the import of US potatoes: 'Mexican Court Ruling Ignores Science'
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México veta la papa de EU
Agosto 05, 2017

México veta la papa de Estados Unidos

Para los jueces que dictaron la medida, los tubérculos constituyen un riesgo latente a la biodiversidad y son un potencial riesgo de propagación de 63 plagas cuarentenarias.
Mexican court blocks import of potatoes from the United States
Agosto 05, 2017

Mexican court blocks import of potatoes from the United States

A Mexican Federal court has made a ruling that bans the import of (table) potatoes from the United States.
Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices
Julio 24, 2017

Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices

Last Wednesday in Delhi, potato farmers from Uttar Pradesh handed out free potatoes to the public in protest against the steeply falling prices of the vegetable in Agra.
Fiji potato farmers plant locally grown seed for the first time.
Julio 24, 2017

This season Fiji potato farmers will plant locally grown seed for the first time

In Fiji, the Ministry of Agriculture is working closely with farmers around the country who are interested in potato farming. This year will be the first year farmers will be planting the locally obtained seeds.
Updated estimates NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased
Julio 04, 2017

Updated estimate NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased

The total consumption potato area in North-Western Europe, has been estimated at 578.821 ha, which is 4.6% more than last year and 8.3% more than the 5 years average, according to the NEPG.
Brexit may pose challenges for Scottish Seed Potato Exporters
Julio 03, 2017

Brexit may present challenges to Scottish Seed Potato Exporters

Seed potato growers for the United Kingdom who have been confident that crucial trade with Egypt and other non-EU markets would not be disrupted by Brexit may be in for a shock.
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Zambia urgently needs to regulate import of potatoes
Julio 02, 2017

Zambia urgently needs to better regulate the import of potatoes and establish phytosanitary labs

Zambia and South Africa may be perfectly at peace, but farmers on either side of the Limpopo River - the border between the two countries - seem engaged in a trade war. And it is mostly about potatoes...
Potato planted area in Great Britain estimated to increase by 4%
Junio 28, 2017

Potato planted area in Great Britain estimated to increase by 4%

AHDB Potatoes Market Intelligence Analysts estimate the total area planted with potatoes in Great Britain this season is 121,000 hectares. This is up by four per cent on the previous year.
More British Crisps coming to the United States: Pipers Crisps Potato Chips
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More British Crisps coming to the United States: Pipers Crisps Potato Chips

World Finer Foods, a premier marketer of specialty foods in the United States, partners with Pipers Crisp Co. to bring more of the award-winning British Pipers Crisps potato chips to the US
Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería
Junio 22, 2017

Perú importa 35 mil toneladas de papa para abastecer el negocio de la pollería

La industria de pollería en el Perú consume 250 mil toneladas de papa al año. De ellas, 35 mil son importadas. Para reducir esa cantidad se debe mejorar su oferta de calidad, afirma el especialista en la cadena de papa de la DGA del Minagri, Miguel Quevedo.
Europatat Conference on plant health and potato trade was, well... GREAT!
Junio 20, 2017

Europatat Conference on plant health and potato trade was, well... GREAT!

Last week on 15 & 16 June, the Europatat Congress 2017 took place. Feedback on the congress and side events has been extremely positive.
Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya
Junio 19, 2017

Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya

A survey done in 20 counties in Kenya released earlier this month, shows that Potato Cyst Nematode infestation has reached 80 to 100 per cent in some of the potato growing areas.


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