Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Con variedades propias, Honduras se apresta a mejorar ingresos de agricultores de papa
Julio 03, 2019

Con variedades propias, Honduras se apresta a mejorar ingresos de agricultores de papa

El cultivo de papa es la fuente principal de ingresos para los pequeños productores de las zonas altas de Honduras, pero los tubérculos semilla importados que siembran son el 40 por ciento de sus costos de producción.
Julio 02, 2019

El chino Qu Dongyu es elegido nuevo Director General de la FAO

El candidato chino Qu Dongyu resultó hoy elegido nuevo Director General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).
Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers
Junio 18, 2019

Potato hotel paying dividends for Idaho farmers

Giving away the original 6-ton replica Russet Burbank that once toured the nation on its Great Big Idaho Potato Truck is paying major dividends for the Idaho Potato Commission, according to Frank Muir, president and CEO of the organization.
Junio 11, 2019

Aumenta la superficie de cultivo de papa en el noroeste de Europa

Sobre la base de una estimación provisional de los NEPG (cultivadores de papas del noroeste de Europa), el área en los 5 países más grandes de papas aumentó a 609,000 ha de papas de consumo, lo que representa un aumento del 2.4%.
Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission
Junio 11, 2019

Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission

A team of fresh Idaho potato shippers will soon head to Taiwan to develop new business relationships in the Southeast Asian market.
Una delegación de científicos de China visitó el Parque de la Papa en el marco del evento Food Forever Experience, celebrado la semana pasada en Cusco.
Junio 05, 2019

Papa del Perú: ¿Por qué China la convirtió en política prioritaria?

China es el mayor productor y consumidor de papa del mundo. El 25% de las variedades que cultiva fueron mejoradas con variedades del Perú, conservadas en el Centro Internacional de la Papa en Lima.
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Planting report: Wet spring delays showing up in the numbers
Junio 03, 2019

United States Potato Planting progress: wet spring delays showing up in the numbers

Updates from the United States Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) on the progress of (potato) planting throughout the United States. An overview.
Potato Farmers Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year
Mayo 31, 2019

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year

This year, the potato harvest in Bangladesh was about 150% of what the domestic need is. As a result prices have crashed and despite the high yields, farmers suffer as the can not sell their product.
La papa es el sector más importante en la agricultura del país (Cortesía: Expreso)
Mayo 31, 2019

La producción de papa peruana sigue en ascenso

El Centro de Innovación Productiva y Transferencia Tecnológica de la papa y otros Cultivos Andinos informó que el sector papero ha reportado crecimiento por quinto año consecutivo.
Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019
Mayo 30, 2019

Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019

Report from the UPGC Board of Directors Meeting
held in conjunction with the Crop Transition Conference in Minneapolis
United Potato Growers of Canada Planting Update May 28, 2019
Mayo 30, 2019

United Potato Growers of Canada Planting Update May 28, 2019

Kevin MacIsaac, General Manager of the United Potato Growers of Canada offers an overview of the potato situation in Canada based on a Planting Update Call of May 28, 2019: Cold and wet in the East; Slightly behind but dry in the West
Mayo 24, 2019

México elimina aranceles a las importaciones de papas congeladas de los Estados Unidos

El presidente Trump eliminó los aranceles del acero y el aluminio de la Sección 232 en Canadá y México el viernes 17 de mayo. México respondió eliminando su arancel del 20% sobre las papas congeladas de los EE. UU. el 20 de mayo.
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Over 200,000 farmers grow potatoes in Cameroon, mostly smallholders and very predominately women.
Mayo 21, 2019

Potato production in Cameroon mostly in the West and North-west regions

Potato production in Cameroon is dominated by the west and northwest regions, data from GIZ’s Green Innovation Centers for the Agriculture and Food Sector project (GIZ-Procisa) showed.
U.S. potato exports of frozen, dehy and fresh have all posted modest gains through the first three quarters of the July 2018 – June 2019 marketing year. (Courtesy: Potato News Today)
Mayo 17, 2019

United States Potato Export sales trending up, despite trade wars

United States potato exports of frozen, dehy and fresh have all posted modest gains through the first three quarters of the July 2018 – June 2019 marketing year.
Potatoes now worth one billion dollars to New Zealand economy
Mayo 16, 2019

Potatoes now worth one billion dollars to New Zealand economy

The Latest Potatoes New Zealand Industry Volumes & Values
China Hikes Tariffs on U.S. Goods After Trump Warning. (Courtesy: Capital Watch)
Mayo 16, 2019

China to hit US frozen fries, dehy potatoes with more tariffs

As the Trump administration’s trade fight with China twists and turns, exporters of frozen and dehy potatoes are facing a hit.
Congress 2019 The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food. (Courtesy: Europatat)
Mayo 13, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!

The Europatat 2019 Congress, co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, will take place in Oslo (Norway) from 12 to 14 June 2019. Under the slogan 'The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food'
The market price of potatoes in Gansu, China recently showed a rising trend. (Courtesy: Global Potato News)
Mayo 09, 2019

Potato prices on the rise in Gansu, China

The market price of potatoes in Gansu recently showed a rising trend. Relevant data shows that the price of potatoes in Gansu increased by 16.67% in comparison with the same time last year.


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