Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Febrero 19, 2021

NPC alienta a la Corte Suprema de México a afirmar un borrador de fallo que anula la prohibición de las importaciones de papa fresca en Estados Unidos

La mayoría del panel de cinco miembros debe estar de acuerdo durante la audiencia del 24 de febrero.
United States potato exports see recovery
Febrero 19, 2021

United States potato exports see recovery

United States potato exports continue to recover but remain behind previous year levels. Exports for the first six months of the marketing year, July – December 2020, are behind the record levels set in 2019.
Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season
Febrero 18, 2021

Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season

EastFruit analysts predict that Russia may sharply increase the volume of imports of potatoes from Egypt in the 2020/21 season.
Potato prices stagnate in Moldova due to low demand
Febrero 17, 2021

Potato prices stagnate in Moldova due to low demand

In late January-early February 2021, the next stage of potato wholesale prices growth began in Moldova. However, it was only the cheapest locally produced potatoes that rose in the price from 3 lei/kg to 3.5-4.0 lei/kg ($0.21-0.24/kg).
Situación actual de la producción de papa en Argentina. Campaña 2020
Febrero 15, 2021

Situación actual de la producción de papa en Argentina. Campaña 2020

La Secretaría de Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata -reunió a técnicos y productores del ámbito público y privado de las principales zonas productoras de papa del país.
Baleares pide al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata
Febrero 15, 2021

Baleares pide al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata

Baleares ha pedido al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata mallorquina, ha informado este viernes la Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Royal Cosun closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019.
Febrero 15, 2021

Aviko's parent Cosun posts slightly higher result in a challenging year

Royal Cosun (parent of potato processor Aviko) closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019. Aviko had an exceptionally turbulent year. Lockdowns exerted pressure on Aviko’s turnover in the foodservice channel, whereas other business groups benefited directly or indirectly from higher sales in the retail channel.
Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads
Febrero 08, 2021

Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads

AHDB Head of Export Trade Development for Potatoes, Patrick Hughes spoke of the importance of the EU market to seed potato growers and how he was hoping for a rapid resolution to the prohibition on UK exports to the Continent.
Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación
Febrero 08, 2021

República Dominicana: Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación

La investigación y el análisis genético de plantas y semillas está en vías de convertirse en una opción a gran escala para mejorar la calidad de las plantaciones agrícolas y el ahorro de divisas tanto para los productores como para el Estado dominicano.
The power of the Idaho potato brand
Febrero 05, 2021

The power of the Idaho potato brand

In the end, 2020 was a pretty good year for Idaho’s iconic potato industry, but it sure wasn’t easy.
Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale
Febrero 04, 2021

Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale

The Potato Union of Russia sent a letter to the Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) and the Union of Independent Networks (SNS), in which it proposed introducing “economy-class” tubers into the assortment.
Potato growers working hard to restore EU market
Febrero 01, 2021

Scottish Seed Potato growers working hard to restore EU market

The Scottish seed potato industry has harnessed willing buyers in Europe to support their efforts to get the European Commission to re-think its current ban on the importation of UK seed stocks – yet the chances of success remain 50/50.
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Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector
Enero 29, 2021

Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector

Ireland’s seed potato sector looks set to get a Brexit shot in the arm. This was one of the key messages delivered courtesy of the second Spring Tillage Webinar, hosted by Teagasc this week.
Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses the potential impact of the new administration on the industry
Enero 28, 2021

Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses the potential impact of the new US administration on the industry

With the inauguration of US President Biden a week behind us now, Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council discusses what the impact of the new administration on the potato industry might be.
Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
Enero 26, 2021

Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)

Until December 31, 2020 the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) was a 5 country organization, but the organization started 2021 without the British AHDB. Also, Victor Pfaff stepped down as NEPG secretary and is replaced by Daniel Ryckmans.
New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce
Enero 25, 2021

New frozen storage offers 22,000 extra pallet places for frozen produce in the port of Antwerp

Luik Natie opened a new cold store at the beginning of 2019. Just under two years later, the opening of a new frozen storage area is planned.
APPACYL recomienda sembrar menos patata en 2021 y que sea de lavado
Enero 25, 2021

APPACYL recomienda sembrar menos patata en 2021 y que sea de lavado

Este ha sido muy mal año para la patata. En estos momentos todavía queda almacenada en Castilla y León en torno a un 50% más de lo habitual en estas fechas y además, con grandes dificultades de salida.
End of November Potato Stocks (grower held) 2015-2020 (Courtesy: AHDB)
Enero 24, 2021

End of November Potato Stocks in Great Britain above five year average

Grower held potato stocks in Great Britain, as at the end of November 2020, are estimated to total 3.27Mt. This is up 12.5% (363Kt) from 2019 and 4.7% (147Kt) to the 5-year average (2015-2019).


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