Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Potato promotion in a grocery store in Beijing
Febrero 06, 2023

China a potentially big export market for potatoes from Pakistan

China is a potentially big market for Pakistani potato, because the price of potato in China is higher, especially from January to April every year.
La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa.
Febrero 04, 2023

La patata española se lanza a la conquista de Francia y de Europa

El sector de la patata mira al 2023 con ilusión, ante el despegue que está viviendo, con buenos precios, concentraciones empresariales y un creciente interés en Europa, gracias a la calidad del producto, que destaca tanto para freír, como guarnición o como aperitivo en bolsa.
Potato retail sales on the rise: dollar sales increase 17.2% in Q4 2022
Febrero 02, 2023

Potato retail sales in the United States on the rise: dollar sales increase 17.2% in Q4 2022

Potato retail sales in the United States increased in dollar value by 17.2% but decreased in volume sales by -1.3% from October – December 2022 compared to the same timeframe a year ago.
Canadian Potato Storage Total Holdings Jan 11 2023
Enero 19, 2023

How many potatoes are in storage in Canada (Total Holdings January 11 2023) ?

Total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings on January 11, 2023 are down slightly (-0.4%) over 2022 numbers for the same period, but are still 5.84% above the 3-yr. average, mostly due to the increased size of the crop in the last two years.
USDA Invests More Than USD 200 Million to Expand Agricultural Exports Through Market Development Programs
Enero 07, 2023

USDA Invests More Than USD 200 Million to Expand Agricultural Exports Through Market Development Programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service is awarding USD 202.7 million to more than 60 U.S. agricultural organizations to help expand export markets for U.S. farm and food products through the Market Access Program.
Farmers outraged as Sainsbury’s sells potatoes for 'less than the cost of production'
Enero 06, 2023

Farmers outraged as Sainsbury’s sells potatoes for 'less than the cost of production'

Farmers have been left outraged as Sainsbury’s, among other UK supermarkets, discounted the price of potatoes in the run-up to Christmas to 'less than the cost of production'.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Sembradora de patatas Grimme
Diciembre 24, 2022

España: La superficie de patata temprana en Andalucía y Murcia podría reducirse, entre un 15-20%, ante la falta de agua

En el mercado francés de patatas frescas, según una reciente comunicación de la Interprofesional de la Patata gala, los intercambios se aceleran al ritmo de las operaciones de promoción que pueden realizarse entre los operadores y las cadenas de supermercados.
EU wins in WTO appeal about Colombian anti-dumping duties on frozen fries
Diciembre 23, 2022

WTO rejects Colombian anti-dumping duties on frozen fries from Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands

Arbitrators have in substance ruled in favour of the EU in the first WTO appeal dealt with under the ‘Multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement', known as the ‘MPIA'.
Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market
Diciembre 20, 2022

Potato cooperative Agrico realizes record sales in an improving market

Potato Cooperative Agrico held its annual central members’ meeting, during which the financial statements of 2021/2022 were explained, and the members looked ahead to the new harvest year.
U.S. potato export value increases as demand rebounds
Diciembre 17, 2022

United States potato export value increases as demand rebounds

Across the globe, restaurants are back to operating at normal capacity, borders are opening for tourism, and many consumers are looking for high-quality, nutritious food options, all leading to strong demand for US potatoes.
Javier Meléndez explica los entresijos de su empresa
Diciembre 14, 2022

Valladolid avanza hacia una mayor profesionalización para maximizar la calidad de la patata

Patatas Meléndez protagoniza un nuevo encuentro del Campo a la Industria impulsado por la Diputación. Valladolid es la provincia de Castilla y León con mayor producción de patata.
2022 Canadian Potato Production
Diciembre 12, 2022

2022 Canadian Potato Production

Statistics Canada has estimated Canadian Potato Production in 2022 to be 122,970,000 hundred weight, up 0.8% over 2021. Despite a very cold and wet spring delaying planting and very hot
Contenido Patrocinado

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M S International: potato trade stat
Diciembre 12, 2022

Export of potatoes for processing from India up over 40% YOY

Export data show that from January to September 2022, India exported about 153,000 tons of fresh or refrigerated potatoes suitable for the production of potato chips, an increase of 42% compared to last year.
Pakistan has become the main supplier of potatoes to the Uzbek market
Diciembre 05, 2022

Pakistan has become the top exporter of potatoes to Uzbekistan

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan imported 404100 tonnes of potatoes worth USD 65.9 million from 16 countries in January-October 2022.
Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022
Diciembre 05, 2022

Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022

In Kazakhstan potato production increased by 11.9% in 2022. According to the Minister of Agriculture of the country, Kazakhstan can provide potatoes not only for the domestic market but also for the neighboring countries.
Productos frescos
Diciembre 04, 2022

Patatas Meléndez: Qué mueve al comprador actual de productos frescos

Según los datos del informe ‘El comprador de productos frescos’, elaborado por AECOC Shopperview en colaboración con Meléndez X Frescos, el 79% de los consumidores sitúa el aspecto como el motivo más importante para la compra.
Diciembre 03, 2022

Menor producción de patata en la UE y España este año y menores siembras previstas para 2023

La producción de patata en Francia, Alemania, Países Bajos y Bélgica bajará un 6% este año respecto a 2021, situándose en 22,1 millones de toneladas, según la Asociación de Productores de Patata del Noroeste de Europa (NEPG).
Retail Sales Soared for Potatoes July-September 2022
Diciembre 03, 2022

US Retail Sales Soared for Potatoes July-September 2022

US Potato retail sales increased in dollar sales by 17.8% but decreased in volume sales by 2.1% from July - September 2022 compared to the same timeframe a year ago. Despite a small decrease in volume sales.


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