Aplicación de Fertilizante

Where is the crop industry with nematode biocontrols?
Marzo 12, 2025

¿Puede el control biológico de nematodos usarse como alternativa a los pesticidas químicos?

La disminución de la disponibilidad de tratamientos de semillas con insecticidas y nematicidas ha abierto el camino para el control de plagas utilizando nematodos entomopatógenos.
Salomé Prat, a researcher from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) at the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and Christian Bachem, a researcher at Wageningen University (WUR).
Noviembre 11, 2024

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in potatoes on a genetic level

Researchers have identified the StCDF1 gene as a key regulator in potatoes, enhancing nitrogen use efficiency and paving the way for the development of high-yielding, nitrogen-efficient cultivars.
INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada
Octubre 28, 2024

INTERPOM 2024: Impulso energético para un sector de la patata en transición acelerada

INTERPOM es la feria comercial bajo techo más especializada de Europa para toda la cadena de la patata. Del 24 al 26 de noviembre de 2024, 330 expositores de 15 países darán la bienvenida a productores, contratistas, procesadores, empacadores, compradores y comerciantes de patatas frescas y procesadas en sus stands en Kortrijk Xpo.
Nueva tecnología de BASF para el cultivo de patatas
Octubre 07, 2024

Nueva tecnología de BASF para el cultivo de patatas

Agrigenio será oficialmente presentada en la Fruit Attraction de Madrid a celebrarse a partir del 8 de octubre.
2024 Micro Plot Trial Organic Crop Inputs
Agosto 15, 2024

The Power of Stacking Biostimulants

In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, farmers are continually seeking ways to enhance crop yields, improve plant health, and maximize the quality of their produce. One of the most promising strategies in recent years has been the use of biostimulants—natural products that enhance plant growth and resilience.
Vultus analyses demonstrate exceptional accuracy in Lyckeby's three-year potato field trials, as confirmed by comparative studies.
Junio 26, 2024

Comparative studies confirm high accuracy in Vultus analyses during Lyckeby's three-year field trials

Vultus, in collaboration with Lyckeby and Hushållningssällskapet, has developed a satellite image analysis algorithm for precision fertilization in potato farming, demonstrating superior accuracy in predicting leaf nitrogen content in Swedish field trials.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Brand new website about sustainable fertilization of potatoes.
Abril 02, 2024

Belfertil and Belgapom promote the sustainable fertilization of potatoes with a new website for growers

BELFertil and Belgapom collaborate to offer growers, crop supervisors, and advisors a new website dedicated to sustainable fertilization practices for potatoes.
España: nueva logica de fertilización
Febrero 14, 2024

España: nueva logica de fertilización

El pacto verde complejiza el cultivo de patatas en Europa debido a las restricciones en el uso de fertilizantes. España debe adaptarse para sobrevivir.
Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
Enero 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
Marcus Palmer, Manager Owner at MJP Supplies, Algifol at BP23
Noviembre 27, 2023

Biostimulant Field Trial Results Impress British Potato Visitors

A biostimulant brand that made its debut at this year's British Potato impressed show visitors with the results of three recent field trials.
Bayer Serenade
Septiembre 16, 2023

Bayer finds in-furrow application of biological fungicide Serenade boosts potato quality and potato vitality

Serenade is a biological fungicide based on a living bacterium derived from nature. In extensive trials, Bayer identified a number of positive effects on the potato crop.
Seaweed biostimulant Algifol to Debut at British Potato 2023
Agosto 16, 2023

From ocean to potato fields: Seaweed biostimulant Algifol to make waves at British Potato Show

A biostimulant brand that is increasingly popular with potato growers will make its debut at this year’s British Potato show in Harrogate. Algifol, which is a seaweed-based biostimulant, will be on stand 123A in Hall 1 at the November event.
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Garlan, Pepsico y Fertiberia lanzan un programa para reducir las emisiones en el cultivo de patata con un fertilizante sostenible
Julio 19, 2023

Garlan, Pepsico y Fertiberia lanzan un programa para reducir las emisiones en el cultivo de patata con un fertilizante sostenible

El grupo alavés Garlan, PepsiCo y Fertiberia se han aliado para lanzar un programa piloto pionero para reducir emisiones en el cultivo de patata y lo harán gracias a la utilización de fertilizantes de la línea Impact Zero de Fertiberia.
Extreme weather events (Heat and Drought Stress) pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation.
Mayo 24, 2023

Heat and Drought stress in potatoes: is it possible to prevent damage?

Extreme weather events pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation. Heat and drought stress reduces productivity, causes physiological defects in tubers, and damages crops.
Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
Mayo 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Plantación de patatas en Galicia.
Mayo 02, 2023

Galicia, España: La sequía amenaza con encarecer aún más la patata

La semana 14 del año, la primera de abril, ha dejado una marca histórica en el precio en origen de la patata en España: 0,66 euros el kilo, un 65% más de los 0,4 euros por kilo de la misma referencia en 2022.
Farmers urged to check the efficiency of protected urea fertilisers
Abril 28, 2023

Farmers urged to check the efficiency of protected urea fertilisers

In light of the new rules in the United Kingdom on the use of inhibited urea, announced on 22 March, farmers are being encouraged to check levels of efficiency when purchasing urea, to maximise their investment when complying to new regulations.
SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs
Febrero 20, 2023

SoilEssentials urges farmers to get their soil tested to save on inputs

Farmers across Scotland are being urged to have their soils tested and analysed in the face of continuing high input prices and ahead of changes to Scottish agricultural support schemes.


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