Kiremko PeelGuard

Kiremko PeelGuard

Kiremko PeelGuard

PeelGuard is an optical measuring and weighing instrument that detects residual peels and the presence of dark, green or black spots. A potato with any defects is therefore identified. This machine will ensure optimum monitoring of the peeling process. Once the peeling is complete with the steam peeler and dry brush, this machine will be used for the final stage of peeling. 

PeelGuard increases yield of the final product by compensating for changes in peel thickness or peel definition. Using PeelGuard in conjunction with an abrasive peeler can result in peeling results that are tailored to your specific needs and making the most of your potatoes.


  • Collects full data of peeled potato, to accurately control steam peeler 
  • Statistic analysis of potato dimensions 
  • Enlarging net product yield