Fabricantes de Equipos de Calibrado y Clasificación

Tre-F Foodmachines BV

Tre-F Foodmachines BV is a Dutch company operating in the German market only. As an agent of Finis, FAM and Feltracon the company supplies the German potato processing industry with high quality processing machines and knowledge regarding peeling, grading, chilling and freezing.

Triple/S Dynamics, Inc

Triple/S Dynamics Inc is the creator of the Slipstick horizontal motion conveyor.

Tummers Food Processing Solutions

Tummers Food Processing Solutions produce maquinaria para lavado, pelado, secado (en tambor), corte (hidro) y líneas de procesamiento de papas.

Udo Schliebe

Udo Schliebe is primarily involved inthe construction and trading of machines for the marketing of potatoes and onions. Their range includes machinery for packaging,conveying,sorting and consumables.


Unisorting Potatoes Sort 3 technology, used in sorting and grading lines, enables you to select the desirable and undesirable characteristics of any kind of potato.

Van Doren

Van Doren is a manufacturing and solution development company that integrates best of breed technology from receiving through palletizing. At Van Doren, we prioritize value and performance, offering comprehensive support to our customers throughout their entire lifecycle.
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Vanmark Equipment LLC

Vanmark es un fabricante líder de equipos de procesamiento industrial de papas y productos, trabajando con clientes para producir alimentos seguros y de alta calidad que ellos conocen y aman comer.

Vanmark Food Equipment (India) Pvt Ltd

Vanmark's facility located in Bengaluru, India

VHM Machinery

VHM Machinery designs and builds smart, high-quality machines for industrial agriculture and manufacturing.

VSS Agro

Since 2005 agricultural machines have been marketed under the brand name VSS Agro. Under the name VSS Agro machines are made for different purposes, such as spring tillage, crop protection, autumn tillage, plow cutting operation and storage techniques.

VSS Machinebouw

VSS Machinebouw is a Dutch manufacturer of agricultural machinery. From development to production, from plowing to harvesting. Every season deserves its specific attention. They offer the most complete program under the brand names VSS Agro and VSS AMAC.

Wevano Machinery

Wevano is active worldwide in the development and manufacturing of machines and installations for both the agricultural and the industrial sector, including machinery for potato handling and sorting.
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También te puede interesar

Wyma Australia

Wyma Australia is a production location of Wyma in Australia. Australia is home to some of the world’s largest potato and carrot post-harvest wash lines, some facilities processing more than 40 tonnes per hour. Wyma Australia provides low maintenance, simple to use quality equipment that is gentle on the product. ems.

Wyma Europe

Wyma Europe is Wyma's office, based near Prague, Czech Republic, in Europe. At this production location, they design, deliver, and provide support and services for customers quickly throughout Europe.

Wyma Solutions

Wyma Engineering es conocido como el creador original de la pulidora de zanahorias y patatas. Wyma diseña, fabrica, distribuye y brinda servicio a equipos de manipulación de frutas y verduras poscosecha a nivel mundial, adaptando soluciones para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de los clientes. Wyma ofrece soluciones integradas llave en mano, centrándose en minimizar el tiempo de inactividad y reducir el desperdicio.

Wyma UK & Scandinavia

Wyma UK & Scandinavia is Wyma's office, based in UK. Wyma is known globally for creating top quality stainless-steel manufactured solutions for the post-harvest root-vegetable industry.

Wysocki Produce Farm

Planting is one of the most important pieces to the success of their organization. With precision planting technologies and the help of extraordinary staff, they plant and grow exceptional produce.

Zhengzhou HongLe Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Zhengzhou HongLe Machinery Equipment is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production, sale, and service of all kinds of food machinery


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