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Multi Hydro Cyclones
With a SiccaDania multi hydro cyclone, customers will be able to upgrade their starch quality with a state-of-the-art mechanical cyclone design.
Omnivent - Omnicuro Next
OmniCuro Next es el siguiente paso en almacenamiento simple y fácil de usar. Establecer las condiciones de almacenamiento deseadas y la duración del almacenamiento lleva solo unos minutos, sin necesidad de conocimientos técnicos.
Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac
GRIMME presents the second generation, the VARITRON 470 Platinum boasting 435 HP with rubber tracks and 7-ton NonstopBunker as standard.
Jute Sacks
As the perfect solution for storing our Dutch potatoes, try Nedato's authentic 5, 10 or 25 kg jute sacks.
Chili and Lemon Potato Chips
Beirut Erbil Potato Products Company has introduced its latest innovation to the market: 'Win', a new line of natural potato chips. Leveraging the latest global technology, Win offers a wide range of flavors to excite the taste buds. Chili and Lemon flavoured potato chips is one of them.
Spiral Freezers
Advanced Food Equipment LLC is one of the top spiral freezer manufacturers in the market, AFE is proud to present lineup of custom spiral freezers that are designed to efficiently freeze thousands of pounds of food per hour, including vegetables, fruit, meat, baked goods, and more.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Spreading Vibratory Conveyor
Vibratory conveyor to divide product flow in 2 or 3 flows.
Vibratory Length Graders
FoodeQ has experience in grading/sorting a wide range of products, including french fries.
Cubemaster 200
The BluePrint Automation Cubemaster 200 is a gravity case packer for high-speed vertical packing of flexible bags; Ideal for bags of frozen foods such as potato products and other heavier frozen and fragile products!
Certis Belchim - Areli
La estrategia para controlar la fitóftora está experimentando grandes cambios. Es por eso que estamos felices de presentar Areli, el nuevo fungicida para papas. Areli ofrece una fuerte protección preventiva, incluso para los nuevos brotes. Gracias a su rápida resistencia a la lluvia, sigue siendo eficaz incluso en condiciones climáticas cambiantes.
AP Lift
Sistema AP-LIFT de Agri Poppe mejora la cosecha en suelos pesados de arcilla, turba suelta, pendientes pronunciadas y suelos pedregosos. Al cortar mecánicamente las crestas de papa y arrastrarlas con los discos, se elimina el problema de un empuje excesivo o insuficiente.
Restrain - Ethylene Anti-germination PET Technology
Restrain se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de su nueva tecnología de Tratamiento de Etileno de Precisión (PET), estableciendo un estándar sin precedentes en soluciones de almacenamiento. Este avance pionero continúa el legado de innovación de Restrain, asegurando una conservación óptima de las papas a través de la aplicación y el control preciso del etileno, una hormona vegetal natural crucial para mantener la calidad de la papa.
Hex Spreader
The FoodeQ Hex Spreader can be applied to grade and clear potatoes and other root vegetables from debris and sand. Also, the machine can spread a small product flow over the full width of the machine in a very short distance.
Clean & Go-bunker
AVR's newest Spirit 7200 recently joined the AVR Spirit family as a trailed, two-row offset potato harvester. New for this machine is that it can now optionally be equipped with the new Clean & Go bunker.
Empure® ES 300
Empure® ES 300 is a clean label starch, an excellent gelling agent, and texturizer, mainly used for the confectionery industry.
Dewatering Shaker
FoodeQ designs and builds professional shakers exactly according to our customers’ requirements and wishes for a wide range of products and purposes.