Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)
Potato Line
In December 2015 Gillenkirch installed a new and advanced potato line in Hevel-Maon Enterprises, one of the leading organizations in Israel.
El ULTRAVENT® M es el sistema modular de la probada línea de productos ULTRAVENT®. Los módulos funcionales de este sistema universal de filtración de aire de escape y recuperación de calor pueden combinarse según sea necesario y utilizarse en una amplia gama de industrias y procesos.
KW Washing and Destoning Combo
El desterronador lavador KW es una combinación bien pensada de un lavador de tambor, desterronador y herramientas para eliminar los escombros flotantes. La unidad tiene varias opciones para gestionar el nivel y el flujo de agua, lo que permite personalizarla según las condiciones locales y el o los productos.
A self-cleaning and disinfecting transport system
A self-cleaning and disinfecting transport system for frozen food that can transport 1 ton/h to 60 ton/h products over longer and steep sections.
EMPRO® E86 F30
The EMPRO® range of Emsland Group stands for high nutritional, non-allergenic & non-GMO pea protein isolates as valuable ingredient for the food industry.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
AmaTron 4
Amazone has introduced the AmaTron 4, an innovative and completely new, in-house developed tablet style ISOBUS terminal.
Autosatmover- Fully Automated
If you require maximum storage density, higher throughput, and increased redundancy over traditional Crane Systems this can be the right solution for your company. A Fully Automated Solution controlled by Automha Software, that doesn't require batteries or hydraulics, has become the most popular type of Deep-Lane, Fully Automated option in Freezers on the planet.
CropVision Gewis
CropVision Gewis can be connected to the weather station of the Belgian grower. The advisory program indicates the best spraying moment for each product, in order to achieve the highest possible results of spraying.
Silicone based (liquid) Defoamer. Combination of Polypropylene Glycol and Co- polymers.
EVO 290 AirSep
The Grimme EVO 290 AirSep is the worlds first bunker harvester with Airsep, a patented separation device.
Potato Handbook (English version)
This book on potatoes in clear language, complete (588 pages) and up-to-date (2018) is written by renowned potato scientist Anton Haverkort. It makes you an instant expert on all aspects of potato cultivation, potato storage and much more...
Digital Size Measurement on potato harvester
AVR ha integrado un sistema de medición digital de tamaño en la cosechadora de papa autopropulsada Puma 4.0. Este sistema utiliza cámaras montadas en la cinta de llenado del compartimiento para determinar el tamaño de las papas durante la cosecha.
El Volumax es un sistema diseñado para optimizar el llenado de productos a granel y piezas. Este sistema proporciona una solución para llenar de manera más eficiente los contenedores con productos sueltos, como productos congelados.
Distribution Shaker
Most vibratory conveyors are indirectly driven by two out of balance motors based on natural frequency. These shakers shake far more intensely than directly driven shakers, furthermore they use less energy and give less unwanted vibrations that hinder the surroundings.