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EVA - Easy Virtual Assistant
The Easy Virtual Assistant – EVA – is the new smart assistant wizard for growers and crop storage operators. EVA is available as an additional module in Croptimiz-r; the latest automation system for crop storage.
Jute Sacks
As the perfect solution for storing our Dutch potatoes, try Nedato's authentic 5, 10 or 25 kg jute sacks.
Distribution Shaker
Most vibratory conveyors are indirectly driven by two out of balance motors based on natural frequency. These shakers shake far more intensely than directly driven shakers, furthermore they use less energy and give less unwanted vibrations that hinder the surroundings.
Vibratory Length Graders
FoodeQ has experience in grading/sorting a wide range of products, including french fries.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Collator 200
The BluePrint Automation Collator 200 stacks and accumulates bags and other flexible packages vertically for hand packer. Ideal for snack food bags such as potato chips, pretzels and other flexible packages.
Ring Dryers
The SiccaDania Ring Dryers are perfectly designed for extended drying of starch, fibers, and proteins such as gluten.
H-Flow Conveyor
FoodeQ designs and builds H-Flow conveyors exactly according to their customers’ requirements and wishes, for the gentle horizontal handling and conveying of delicate food products.
Cross Feed Shaker
FoodeQ designs and builds professional shakers exactly according to our customers’ requirements and wishes for a wide range of products and purposes.
Metal Detection Belt Conveyor
The belt conveyor is equipped with a metal detection system that prevents that harmful metal parts enter the food chain.
Crops Meteo
**AgroVision Crops Meteo** proporciona a los agricultores acceso a los datos de estaciones meteorológicas y pronósticos del tiempo. El programa ofrece asesoramiento agronómico completo sobre el clima y registra automáticamente las condiciones de pulverización en los registros de cultivos para fines de certificación de seguridad alimentaria.
Even Flow Bins
Southern Fabrication Works ofrece una gama de contenedores de flujo uniforme con una amplia variedad de capacidades y múltiples opciones de llenado y descarga, diseñados para crear un flujo de producto suave y constante.
Clean & Go-bunker
AVR's newest Spirit 7200 recently joined the AVR Spirit family as a trailed, two-row offset potato harvester. New for this machine is that it can now optionally be equipped with the new Clean & Go bunker.
RootDei Biocontrol
RootDei Biocontrol® es un biofungicida innovador para controlar Rhizoctonia spp. en papas, formulado con la cepa T34 de Trichoderma asperellum, una sustancia activa autorizada en la UE para su uso como producto de protección de plantas.
Hyperspectral Analyser
El analizador hiperespectral de RMA-Techniek se puede utilizar para determinar el contenido de materia seca y su dispersión en una papa. Para ello, la papa debe pasar a través de la máquina cortada en rodajas.
Event Promotion Package
If you want to generate a lot of attention in a short period of time, the event promotion package is what you are looking for.