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Tolsma Measurement Unit (TMU)
Tolsma Measurement Unit (TMU)
The Tolsma Measurement Unit (TMU) is a measurement unit that gathers data in the storage facility, like product- and room temperature, relative humidity and CO2 levels.
MH 20X Receiving hoppers up to 17 m³
MH 20X Receiving hoppers up to 17 m³
Las tolvas receptoras Miedema son la base de un almacenamiento fiable. La tolva receptora sirve de reserva y proporciona limpieza y, posiblemente, clasificación del producto.
Tolsma-Grisnich Fresh Box
Fresh Box
Effective refreshment of CO₂ with minimal energy consumption. With the Tolsma Fresh Box, the air in the storage is being refreshed with optimal temperature and moisture condistions. This improves the product quality.
Dewulf CP 22 Farmer Mounted 2-row cup planter
CP 22 Farmer
La CP 22 Farmer es una plantadora de vasos montada de 2 hileras y ofrece el mejor rendimiento de su clase con un tamaño compacto. Esta CP es la mejor opción para productores de patatas profesionales con superficies pequeñas o especializadas.
Tolsma-Grisnich Air Control MAX for (potato) storage ventilation
Air Control MAX (ACM)
The new ‘Air Control MAX’ fan for (potato) storage ventilation is innovative on 3 features: 36% reduction in noise level, Up to 35% fewer r.p.m., Air output up to 7% higher.
Dewulf MB 111 Box filler with a capacity of more than 80 boxes per hour
MB 111 Box filler with a capacity of more than 80 boxes per hour
Con el MB 111, contará con un llenador de cajas fiable con una gran capacidad. Gracias al flujo continuo de producto con una cantidad mínima de movimientos de la carretilla elevadora, esta máquina puede procesar más de 80 cajas por hora.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Miedema MS 2000
MS 2000
This hydraulically driven belt planter is a light, compact machine that is very suitable for quickly and accurately planting a wide variety of seed material
ME 80 cm wide elevator conveyor
ME 80 cm wide elevator conveyor
Los cintas elevadoras Miedema son los elevadores de levantado más adecuados para llenar su almacén con una capacidad de más de 160 toneladas/hora. Los elevadores de levantado también se pueden utilizar para transportar residuos desde una tolva receptora.
SB 451 Receiving hopper of 10-12 m³
SB 451 Receiving hopper of 10-12 m³
La SB 451 es una tolva receptora más pequeña con grandes capacidades y tiene una capacidad de tolva de 10-12 m³. En esta tolva receptora con manipulación suave del producto se puede instalar una combinación de diferentes opciones.
SB 151 Receiving hopper of 5–6 m³
SB 151 Receiving hopper of 5–6 m³
La SB 151 es la tolva receptora más pequeña (capacidad de tolva de 5-6 m3) de la gama de productos Dewulf. Sin embargo, la máquina incluye las características necesarias.
Dewulf Miedema Structural 2000 Mounted or trailed 2-row belt planter
Miedema Structural 2000
La Miedema Structural 2000 es una plantadora de correas montada o remolcada de 2 hileras que combina una precisión de plantación extrema, una gran velocidad de marcha (hasta 11 km/h) y una suave manipulación de las patatas.
SK Agri Exports, Memphis potato variety
Potato Memphis is a new promising crop variety. It is characterized by good yield and drought resistance, which greatly simplifies care.
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SK Agri Exports, Lady Rosetta potato variety
Lady Rosetta
Lady Rosetta is an middle maturing exporting variety with a good crisping quality. Produces very uniform and round tubers. Little sensitive to heat and drought. Is popular in Europe in the Mediterranean area and in the Middle East. Resistant against PCN AF and wart disease 1.
PGS Equipment - SPUDNIK 6640 36″ OFFSET HITCH (4 row Harvester, with Simple Sep Secondary)
Spudnik 6640 36″ Offset Hitch (4 row Harvester, with Simple Sep Secondary)
The Spudnik 6640 is a 4-row harvester with a 36" offset hitch and Simple Sep Secondary, designed for efficient and high-quality crop harvesting.
SK Agri Exports, Kufri Lauvker potato variety
Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
SK Agri Exports, Innovator potato variety
This tasty Russet Skin variety with medium maturity is the first russet-skinned variety from HZPC.
SK Agri Exports, Taurus potato variety
Taurus is an early maincrop variety, suitable for crisping. In trials it demonstrated resistance to PCN Ro1, skin spot, black dot, dry rot (F. coeruleum), silver scurf and powdery scab.
PGS Equipment - SPUDNIK 2050 (50' Semi Trailer Chain Bottom with Tarp)
Spudnik 2050 (50' Semi Trailer Chain Bottom with Tarp)
The Spudnik 2050 is a 50-foot semi-trailer with a chain bottom and retractable tarp, designed for efficient transport and unloading of agricultural products.


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