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Flo-Mech Intake & Storage Equipment
Intake & Storage Equipment
Flo-Mech offers a range of intake and storage systems from smaller capacities all the way up to large systems with multiple infeed and storage bins. They can tailor solutions to your needs.
Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd (NSSPL) - Bulk and Box Cold Storage Solutions
Bulk and Box Cold Storage Solutions
NSSPL offers Bulk and Box Cold Storage solutions, specifically designed for high-capacity storage with precision and efficiency in mind. Our modern cold storage facilities are equipped to manage both bulk and boxed items, maintaining ideal conditions to preserve the freshness and quality of your products.
Allround Aspire Potato storage system
Aspire storage system
The aspire system for open boxes is also a direct ventilation system. The air in the room is conditioned and then sucked through the boxes. All kinds of standard open boxes can be used for this system.
Allround Bulk Storage
Bulk Storage
Storage in bulk is an effective and economical way of storage. Effective because it is a direct ventilation system what means that 100% of the air distribution coming from the fan is forced to pass the product.
Box Storage
Box Storage
With Allround box storage the products are stored in large bins. The product is stacked up to about 6 boxes high. Box storage is a very flexible way to store agricultural products.
Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd (NSSPL) - Modified Atmosphere Cold Storage
Modified Atmosphere Cold Storage
NSSPL Modified Atmosphere Cold storage is used mainly for the storage of fresh vegetables. In this type of storage, a modified atmosphere is created and maintained.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd (NSSPL) - Temperature Controlled Cold Storage
Temperature Controlled Cold Storage
NSSPL's Temperature Controlled Storage solutions offer unmatched precision for maintaining ideal conditions.
Vultus Potato Suite
Potato Suite
With Vultus, farmers can make informed decisions about their potato crops and achieve maximum profits.
Tolsma-Grisnich b.v. Green-white LED lighting
LED High bay lighting
The Tolsma high bay LED lighting has been specially developed for use in the storage and processing area. The fittings have a very wide radiation angle, so that they can be hung at a great distance from each other. Moreover, the LED technology is energy-efficient.

SB 151 Receiving hopper of 5–6 m³
SB 151 Receiving hopper of 5–6 m³
La SB 151 es la tolva receptora más pequeña (capacidad de tolva de 5-6 m3) de la gama de productos Dewulf. Sin embargo, la máquina incluye las características necesarias.
SC 300 Cultivator for attachment in front of or behind a tractor
SC 300 Cultivator
El SC 300 es un cultivador que se acopla delante o detrás del tractor. Está máquina se puede instalar rápidamente en el tractor y sirve para cualquier modelo. Este cultivador garantiza un alto y fiable rendimiento y destaca en cuanto a facilidad de uso.
SB 451 Receiving hopper of 10-12 m³
SB 451 Receiving hopper of 10-12 m³
La SB 451 es una tolva receptora más pequeña con grandes capacidades y tiene una capacidad de tolva de 10-12 m³. En esta tolva receptora con manipulación suave del producto se puede instalar una combinación de diferentes opciones.
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MH 280 Receiving hopper of 33-35 m³
MH 280 Receiving hopper of 33-35 m³
La MH 280 es una tolva receptora reforzada, desarrollada especialmente para la industria (bulbos de flores). El peso de estas cosechas es mucho mayor, ya que se lleva mucha más tierra desde el campo a las instalaciones de almacenamiento.
Dewulf ML 80 cm wide store loaders
ML 80 cm wide store loader
Los cargadores de almacén ML 80 tienen una cinta transportadora de artesa profunda de 80 cm de anchura con la que se puede lograr una capacidad de más de 180 toneladas/h. Los cargadores de almacén están disponibles en longitudes de 16, 19 o 22 metros.
Rockyview Elite Tuber Penni Seed Potatoes
Penni Seed Potatoes
Penni is an exceptional seed potato variety for the table purpose offered by Rockyview Elite Tuber. 
Sanjava Seed Potatoes
The Sanjava potato, offered by Rockyview Elite Tuber is an early-maturing variety with smooth, bright yellow skin and shallow eyes, ideal for fresh markets.
Kwatro Self-propelled 4-row sieving harvester
Kwatro Sieving Harvester
La Kwatro es una cosechadora de cribado autopropulsada de 4 hileras con un cosechado frontal con una ruta de cribado tradicional, una unidad de erizo y unidades de limpieza.
Tolsma - Grisnich Fans
The Tolsma-Grisnich fans are developed and produced in-house and are unique in its kind. The fans are designed to ensure a long life and a high efficiency.


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