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Western Australian Seed Potato Producers


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Company Description

Western Australian Seed Potato Producers, better known as WASPP, are committed to ensuring that the WA-certified seed potato scheme and the WA-registered seed potato scheme are structured and administered in such a way as to consistently supply the best quality seed potatoes possible. ​

WASPP is the organization that:
  • Represents seed potato growers.
  • Liaises with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) continually updating and improving the WA seed potato scheme.
  • Facilitates training in all aspects of seed potato production in WA particularly focusing on virus detection and identification.
  • Fully supports the G2 Survey.
  • Works with industry and Government to maintain and improve biosecurity in the WA potato industry.
  • Has commercial potato producer representation to ensure a balanced approach.
  • Has input into research and development projects undertaken in Western Australia.

Product Types offered by this company

News for this Company

Seed Potato Farmers Victoria and South Australia secure access to Indonesian market
February 17, 2018

Seed Potato Farmers Victoria and South Australia secure access to Indonesian market

​More than 300 seed potato farmers across South Australia and Victoria will be celebrating after last week's breakthrough in securing new market access to Indonesia.
West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak
May 02, 2017

West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak

Alan Parker looked out onto the farm business he had spent his entire life establishing. The West Australian seed potato grower will know in the next six weeks whether his lifelong career will continue.
How could a company with 23 per cent of Australia's AU$625 million potato market go bust?
May 22, 2016

Oakville Produce: How can a company supplying 23 percent of Australia's potato market go bankrupt?

After Oakville Produce (formerly known as the Moraitis Group) entered receivership earlier this month, questions arise how that could happen to a company good for almost a quarter of the Australian Potato market.
Australia: Victorian government is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia
June 29, 2014

Australia: Victorian government is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia

The Government of the Australian State Victoria is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia before the end of the year

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WA Seed Potato Producers

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