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Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en visserij Marketing (VLAM)


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VLAM, Flanders' Agricultural Marketing Board, is a non-profit organisation promoting the sale, the added value, the consumption and the image of products and services of the Flemish agriculture, horticulture, fishery and agro-alimentary sector in Belgium and abroad.

VLAM is commissioned by the business community and by the Flemish government and cooperates actively with as many links in the food chain as possible. 

VLAM maintains the following potato related websites: and
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News for this Company

Record Investments in the Belgian Potato Processing Sector continued in 2017
March 16, 2018

Record Investments in the Belgian Potato Processing Sector continued in 2017

The record year of 2016 for the Belgian potato processing industry continued into 2017, according to Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processing industry association.
Belgapom: Belgian Potato Processing Sector sets multiple records in 2016
March 21, 2017

Belgapom: Belgian Potato Processing Sector sets multiple records in 2016

According to the data of Belgapom, the Potato Processing Industry in Belgium last year not only set a record for the amount of potatoes processed, but also a record for investments in the sector, with over 300 million euro (325 million USD) invested.
Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market
June 02, 2016

Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market

For Belgian potato traders, Sweden is a small, but admittedly growing market. In late April, the potential for Belgian fresh and processed potato exports was further explored.
VLAM at Fruit Logistica
February 03, 2016

VLAM at Fruit Logistica

25 suppliers of Belgian potatoes, fruits, vegetables and fruit trees welcome you in Berlin at the VLAM booth at Fruit Logistica.