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UPA - Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos


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Company Description

The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) is a professional organization that organizes, represents, and defends the interests of Spain's agricultural and livestock professionals. 

UPA is the association that represents the vast bulk of the agricultural sector: family farms owned by small and medium-sized farmers and ranchers. UPA is integrated within the General Union of Workers' (UGT) self-employment organization. 

The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers has almost 80,000 members throughout Spain, including professional farmers and ranchers from all sectors and autonomous communities, who have in UPA an organization that represents them at all levels and provides services that agricultural holdings require.

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News for this Company

Villoria Daniel González, agricultor
September 30, 2024

España: baja la producción y crece la brecha de precios

Se estima que este año la producción de patatas caerá un 25%. Mientras tanto, los pequeños productores se quejan por la brecha entre lo que ellos reciben y lo que paga el consumidor final.