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Thorsens Chipskartofler A/S


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Company Description

Thorsens Chipskartofler A/S has specialized in delivering high quality potatoes to Danish and foreign crisps factories since the foundation of the company in 1986.

They have their high quality standards in all factors that make a potato suitable for crisp production.

Thorsens Chipskartofler A/S is one of the companies in Denmark that deals with the largest amount of potatoes without having a production.

Today the company can store 40.000 tons of potatoes and handles about 150.000 tons of potatoes per year.

They export a large amount of their products to European countries. Among others: Norway, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Balkan countries.

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June 06, 2012

Machine manufacturer Tummers Methodic shows innovations

On 10 and 11 May, processing equipment manufacturer Tummers Methodic from Hoogerheide successfully organised two open days. Hundreds of specialists from the food processing industry at home and abroad marvelled at the largest Hex Polisher in the world ...

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Thorsens Chipskartofler A/S

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