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Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities in Ireland.

The organisation is funded by State Grant-in-Aid; the National Development Plan; fees for research, advisory and training services; income from national and EU competitive research programmes; and revenue from farming activities and commodity levies.

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News for this Company

January 04, 2009

Irish Researchers at Teagasc think GM potatoes may provide answer to blight fears

A genetically modified variety of spud may have to be produced in Irish laboratories because of the growing threat from blight. The fungal disease that wiped out the potato crop in the mid-19th century, causing more than 1m deaths, is posing a renewed ...
August 26, 2008

Ireland's potatoes 'rotting in the fields'

Potato growers can only watch as some of their crops rot in the ground after being submerged in water. Crops grown on riverbanks and in low-lying fields have been worst hit by the recent monsoon-like conditions. Foliage on some crops has started to yel...
February 19, 2008

Spuds' bad press is half baked, claims Irish campaign

A campaign to raise awareness about the humble spud couldn't have come at a better time for Ireland's beleaguered potato growers. A total of €300,000 has been invested in a national campaign by the Department of Agriculture, Bord Bia, Agri Award, Tea...