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Company Description

The Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers Association (SNACMA) is the trade association for the savoury snack food industry in the United Kingdom.

SNACMA membership includes the main savoury snack manufacturers operating in the UK market, who together account for well over 90% of all sales.

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News for this Company

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
December 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
UK potato processing companies say serious issues with potato supply 'extremely likely'
August 03, 2018

UK potato processing companies say serious issues with potato supply 'extremely likely'

The Potato Processing companies in the United Kingdom have released a statement through the Potato Processors’ Association Ltd (PPA), expressing their concern for the impact of current weather conditions on UK potato processing sector.
Keynote Speaker SNACKEX 2017 announced: Ken Hughes
October 05, 2016

Keynote Speaker SNACKEX 2017 announced: Ken Hughes

The headline speaker for the next SNACKEX industry event in Vienna (June 2017) has been confirmed: Consumer and Shopper Behaviouralist Ken Hughes
August 21, 2012

El consumidor comerá más snacks pese a seguir dudando de su salubridad, según reciente estudio

El mercado de los snacks alcanzará los 4.800 millones de euros hacia el 2016 en el Reino Unido, según el informe de mercado de Mintel. No obstante, y a pesar de los buenos augurios, el público sigue manteniendo ciertas ideas preconcebida alrededor de...

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