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Sesur Seed and Export


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Company Description

Sesur Seed and Export is a technical service company situated in the south of Spain. Their principal product is the potato, where they specialized in the development of varieties in the Mediterranean zone together with the principal European seed houses.

Sesur realizes commercial and strategic projects in the potato sector and organizes and controls the supply of potatoes from Spain, Portugal, and France for specific customer-defined programs.

Sesur is also providing other products and services located in Spain and Portugal, specializing in the export of fruit and vegetables from the best producers, both organic and conventional farmers.

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News for this Company

Habrá una reducción de volumen de al menos un 30 por ciento en la patata nueva española.
May 04, 2022

Georg Kolmhofer, de Sesur Semilla y Exportación SL: 'Habrá una reducción de volumen de al menos un 30 por ciento en la patata nueva española'

Aunque el pico de la temporada de exportación de patatas nuevas españolas comenzará en unas pocas semanas, ya se han cosechado las primeras patatas con piel suelta en la provincia de Sevilla.

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