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Inka Crops S.A

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Company Description

Inka Crops, is a Peruvian company founded in 1998 with the firm intention of giving value and promote the finest products of their culture and gastronomy in the world.

Today 14 years later, with exports worldwide, being a company that is specialized in the production and marketing of gourmet snacks, offering a wide variety of natural products made from raw materials of the highest quality from the rich valleys of Perú.

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News for this Company

Huánuco: dos empresas logran vender en forma directa 180 tons de papas nativas
April 16, 2024

Perú: papa nativa directo del campo a la industria

Organizaciones de productores logran vender, sin intermediarios, variedades nativas a planta procesadora de snacks.
Inka Crops applies Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) in the production of a range of Peruvian snacks
August 04, 2022

Inka Crops applies Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) in the production of a range of Peruvian snacks

Inka Crops is a snack manufacturer based in Peru, specialised in the production and marketing of gourmet and alternative snacks. The company produces a wide variety of Peruvian style savory snacks
Native Potatoes: From Forgotten Crop to Culinary Boom and Market Innovation
May 28, 2021

Native Potatoes: From Forgotten Crop to Culinary Boom and Market Innovation

Once neglected by urban consumers, Andean native potatoes are now essential ingredients for some of the most sophisticated gastronomy of the world. An overview by André Devaux and others, first published in Choices Magazine

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Inka Crops S.A

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