Hardee's is one of the CKE Restaurant Inc. restaurant brands.
CKE Restaurants, Inc. (CKE), through its subsidiaries, franchisees and licensees, operates some of the most popular U.S. regional brands in quick-service and fast-casual dining, including the Carl’s Jr.®, Hardee’s®, Green Burrito® and Red Burrito® restaurant brands.
The CKE system includes more than 3,000 locations in 43 states and in 13 countries. CKE is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CKR” and is headquartered in Carpinteria, California.
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July 07, 2011
CKE Restaurants Announces Opening of First Two Hardee’s® Locations in Kazakhstan

April 20, 2011
Las papas a la francesa ya no son el plato fuerte de los restaurantes de comida rápida
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