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Ghent University

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Ghent University (Universiteit Gent, UGent) is one of the major Belgian universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe.

The University is involved in various types of potato related research.
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News for this Company

Bintje (Courtesy: Verse Oogst)
August 20, 2015

Durable resistance to Late Blight requires Gene Stacking

Scientific results of the potato field trials in Flanders and the Netherlands demonstrate that gene stacking is necessary for a strong and lasting resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
April 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
 Good Fries
September 25, 2012

European Potato Processors show how best to fry french fries

In April 2002, authorities, food industry, caterers and consumers were confronted by the unexpected finding that a number of heated foods contained significant levels of acrylamide, a substance known until then only as a highly reactive industrial chem...
July 05, 2012

Green light for further research with GM potatoes in Belgium

One year after the protest against the test fields for GM potatoes in Ghent, the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) has been given the green light for a second phase of research.