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FAM Stumabo Ibérica S.L.

Processing Equipment

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Company Description

FAM Stumabo Ibérica is a subsidiary of FAM nv and part of the Hifferman Group. This family-run Belgian industrial group has been active for three generations in the design and construction of machines and the manufacture of cutting tools for the food industry.

The FAM Stumabo Ibérica organization provides skills, competence, machines, and services to handle a broad scope of end-to-end solutions.
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News for this Company

FAM Volantis
January 18, 2023

FAM Stumabo Ibérica Soluciones para el corte industrial de alimentos

Como líder europeo en el diseño y producción de máquinas de corte industrial de alimentos, FAM Stumabo estará presente para mostrar las últimas innovaciones de corte en la industria de frutas y verduras en la feria ‘Fruit Logistica’ (Berlín, Alemania).

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FAM Stumabo Ibérica S.L.

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