Potato News

Registration for the World Potato Congress 2021 in Dublin, Ireland is Now Open!
August 11, 2020

Registration for the World Potato Congress 2021 in Dublin, Ireland is Now Open!

Registration for the World Potato Congress 2021from May 31 to June 3, 2021 in Dublin, Ireland is Now Open!
Entrevista con Santiago Domínguez, agricultor y dueño de una finca de Nueva Villa de las Torres (Valladolid)
August 10, 2020

Santiago Domínguez: El Elemento Clave en el Cultivo de la Patata es la Existencia de Contratos

Entrevista con Santiago Domínguez, agricultor y dueño de una finca de Nueva Villa de las Torres (Valladolid)
Vista aérea de la ampliación que la empresa está llevando a cabo en sus instalaciones de Medina del Campo. D.V.
August 10, 2020

Patatas Meléndez se Alza Como el Primer Operador Nacional de Patata y Despliega 25 Millones de Euros

La empresa vallisoletana Patatas Meléndez, afincada en Medina del Campo, se ha convertido en el primer operador del mercado nacional de este producto de consumo tradicional y está, además, inmersa en la ampliación de sus instalaciones gracias a una inversión de 25 millones de euros que le permitirá duplicar su capacidad de envasado.
The FAO Food Price Index firmer for the second consecutive month in a row
August 07, 2020

The FAO Food Price Index firmer for the second consecutive month in a row

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 94.2 points in July 2020, up 1.1 points (1.2 percent) from June. Rising for the second consecutive month, the July value is nearly 1 point (1 percent) above its level in the corresponding month last year.
Key Technology shares Maintenance Tips for Vibratory Conveyors
August 06, 2020

Key Technology shares Maintenance Tips for Vibratory Conveyors

Regular inspection of sorters and shakers ensures efficient operation and prevents unscheduled downtime. To help prepare you, Key Technology just shared information on their comprehensive equipment audits and spotlighting the unsung heroes of your plant – shakers!
Scotts Sends its First Evolution to South Africa Following Canadian Recommendation
August 05, 2020

Scotts Sends its First Evolution to South Africa Following Canadian Recommendation

A UK manufacturer of vegetable harvesting and handling machinery has supplied its first to order to South Africa thanks to a recommendation from a Canadian company. Scotts Precision Manufacturing has sent one of its Evolution separators to Bestbier South Africa after Allan Equipment in Canada recommended the unique machine.
Vegetables stall at the Or Tor Kor market in Bangkok (2019)
August 05, 2020

Potato Growers to Benefit as Thailand lifts Tariffs on Australian Potatoes

AUSVEG has welcomed the announcement from Agriculture Minister David Littleproud that two key commitments are now realised under the Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), which will improve market access for Australian potato exporters into the Thai market.
TNA - intelli-weigh® omega series of multi-head weighers
August 05, 2020

TNA - 'the weigh to go: improving sustainability with advanced weighing equipment'

Productivity has been the watch-word of the food production industry for decades, with millions of dollars spent on finding new ways to get more done within the same time and input.
Potatoes Packed in 100% Compostable Paper Bags
August 04, 2020

EarthFresh offers Potatoes Packed in 100% Compostable Paper Bags

EarthFresh’s Paper Revolution offers retailers a full potato product line in 100% compostable paper packaging.
La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse
August 03, 2020

La Patata Regina Permitirá a los Supermercados Diferenciarse

Mientras que las patatas de la antigua cosecha ya no están disponibles, el productor y envasador Terroir d’Origine espera con impaciencia la nueva cosecha. 'Hay mucha demanda, pero la oferta es limitada en este momento'.
Mercadona Refuerza sus Patatas Fritas, Lasañas y Canelones
August 03, 2020

Mercadona Refuerza sus Patatas Fritas, Lasañas y Canelones

Mercadona ha comunicado que vende diariamente más de 11.000 bolsas de sus nuevas patatas fritas onduladas con sabor a queso, que son elaboradas por PepsiCo en su fábrica de Burgos y se comercializan con la marca Munchos.
Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko: Partners for Decades
August 03, 2020

Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko: Partners for Decades

Three well-known companies in the potato industry, three identities, one brand. Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko have been strategic partners for decades.


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