Potato News

August 01, 2008

Potato growers accept McCain contract

P.E.I. farmers who sell potatoes for processing to McCain Foods voted in favour of a new contract at a meeting Thursday night. Unlike those growing for Cavendish Farms, who rejected three contracts before signing, the McCain growers accepted the first...
August 01, 2008

California attorney general settles acrylamide lawsuit with Frito-Lay, Lance, Kettle Foods and Heinz

California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. today settled lawsuits against Heinz, Frito-Lay, Kettle Foods and Lance Inc. after the companies agreed to slash levels of the cancer-causing chemical acrylamide in their potato chips and french fries. “T...
August 01, 2008

Low returns threaten potato supplies

Food manufacturers will have to start paying more for potatoes in the US to maintain future supplies, according to industry experts. Potato prices will have to increase due to high production costs or US potato growers will go out of business, Alvin ...
July 31, 2008

Potato vodka hitting the shelves in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's first and only vodka distillery sits unassumingly inside one of the former Glenshaw Glass buildings along Route 8 in Shaler. Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries, the brainchild of Prentiss Orr and Barry Young, is just about ready to release...
July 31, 2008

Lima (Ohio) possible site for mashed-potato plant

Food processor Kettle Creations LLC is considering putting a mashed-potato plant in the Gateway Commerce Industrial Park here.It plans to a $21 million factory to make refrigerated mashed potatoes for sale in stores and use in restaurants. The operati...
ASA: McCain campaign 'Eat your greens' not misleading.
July 31, 2008

ASA: McCain campaign 'Eat your greens' not misleading.

The UK advertising watchdog (ASA) investigated the McCain Foods (GB) "Eat your greens"campaign for McCain Rustic Oven Fries and found the campaign was "not irresponsible or misleading". The campaign features the slogan "Eat yo...
Stratafoam announces association with Emerald Foam Control
July 31, 2008

Stratafoam announces association with Emerald Foam Control

Stratafoam announced this week an association with Emerald Foam Control to introduce their range of foam control additives in India. Among various industries in India that will benefit from this advance chemistry will be the Indian Potato Processing i...
 World Potato Congress
July 30, 2008

Albert T. Wada, new World Potato Congress Inc. Director

Allan Parker, President &CEO, World Potato Congress Inc. today announced the appointment of Albert T. Wada as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Wada is the Chairman and CEO of Wada Farms Inc., an irrigated farming enterprise in eastern Idaho ...
July 30, 2008

Aumenta consumo de comida rapida

Comer en un restaurante a la carta o elegir uno donde predomine la rapidez del servicio conlleva, además de fijarse en el valor nutricional, mirar al bolsillo. Cada vez están siendo más los residentes que se inclinan por esta segunda opción. Los esta...
Food Network crews to film french fries at Lamb Weston's Richland potato plant
July 30, 2008

Food Network crews to film french fries at Lamb Weston's Richland potato plant

Food Network production crews will be in Richland today at ConAgra Lamb Weston's potato plant shooting an episode about french fries. The episode is for the new Food Network series How'd That Get On My Plate? said Marti DeMoss, a ConAgra spokeswoman....
July 30, 2008

Manila Police To Run Cars On Used McDonald's Cooking Oil

Police in Manila are looking to convert their patrol cars to run on a mixture of diesel and used cooking oil from McDonald's (MCD), officials and the company said Tuesday. With oil prices at crippling highs, the project would convert cars in the Makati...
July 30, 2008

Walkers was fastest growing website in the UK

Walkers Snack Foods was the fastest growing website in the UK over the last year, due in part to its Brit Trips discounted UK holiday promotions, according to Nielsen Online.The site's UK unique users grew from 17,000 in June 2007 to 444,000 in June th...


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