Potato News

 Keystone Potato Products
October 22, 2008

Keystone Potato Products: sustainable potato dehydrates

Keystone Potato Products is committed to sustainability: In 2000, co-op members began looking at building a dehydrated potato processing facility in Pennsylvania – which would be the first dehy plant on the East Coast. A local plant would provide a ma...
October 22, 2008

Potato Cyst Nematodes all over Australia?

A property at Thorpdale, in West Gippsland, has been found to have potato cyst nematode (PCN) and a freeze has been put on potato trade from the area.John Hodgkin from the Thorpdale branch of the Victorian Farmers Federation says the Government has to ...
 McCain Foods Limited
October 22, 2008

McCain Foods outsources accounting functions to India: 25 jobs cut in Florenceville

McCain Foods is axing 25 jobs in New Brunswick as part of a move to outsource accounting functions to India. The head of McCain Foods (Canada) says the outsourcing of the jobs is part of the company's efforts to become more competitive globally. The ...
McDonald's French Fries: MacFries or McFries?
October 21, 2008

McDonald's French Fries: MacFries or McFries?

So here it is, a PotatoPro Newsletter on 'McDonald's World Famous Fries' or MacFries as I will keep calling them in short. Yes, as far as I could figure out they were called MacFries, not McFries, even though Google gives more than twice as much hits on McFries than MacFries.
October 21, 2008

Aardappeloogst Nederland 2008 geschat op 3.62 miljoen ton

Op een paar “hoekjes” na zijn alle aardappelen in Nederland gerooid. Datzelfde geldt ook voor de ons omringende landen waar veel fritesaardappelen worden geteeld. De rooiperiode werd gekenmerkt door gunstige weersomstandigheden waardoor er weinig prob...
October 21, 2008

Diagnostico de la situacion actual de la cadena agroalimentaria de la papa en el Ecuador

El Año Internacional de la Papa (AIP) se convierte en una oportunidad para impulsar y consolidar una serie de acciones alternativas para el sector de la papa en Ecuador, a través del fortalecimiento organizacional de los productores;de mejorar su gesti...
October 21, 2008

Restaurants Bound to Suffer from Financial Crisis, Finds Technomic

In a recently-completed survey of consumers, Chicago-based foodservice consultants Technomic, Inc. found that the financial market meltdown is likely to cause a high number (74 percent) of consumers to visit both quick- and full-service restaurants les...
October 21, 2008

Verantwoorde frites van Aviko

Om in de toekomst de marktpositie te behouden, zullen bedrijven zich moeten bezighouden met Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen. Steeds meer wordt duidelijk dat bedrijven een maatschappelijke rol hebben. Maar hoe ga je daarmee om? Is dat vanuit ide...
 "Western Diet"
October 21, 2008

“Western” diet increases heart attack risk globally

The typical Western diet — fried foods, salty snacks and meat — accounts for about 30 percent of heart attack risk across the world, according to a study of dietary patterns in 52 countries reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Associ...
October 20, 2008

Innovation in food products essential to weather economic storm

Food makers confronted by today's challenging economic times must continue to invest hard in innovation to beat the downturn. This year's SIAL, which opened yesterday in Paris, is a showcase of new ideas that could help to boost margins and weather the...
 McCain Foods Limited
October 20, 2008

McCain Foods applies new technology for biogas production

McCain Foods Ltd., the multinational food processing company based in Florenceville, N.B., tapped into a new energy source this spring, when it began construction of a new biogas digester for its Whittlesey french fry factory in Britain. "There'...
 Food prices high
October 20, 2008

Falling oil prices? Food Prices won't necessarily follow.

Worries about a global recession have pushed the price of oil to its lowest in over a year. Don't expect the same for a bottle of beer, a tube of toothpaste, or a box of cereal. You can blame "sticky"prices. That's what analysts call it when...


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