Potato News

December 05, 2008

The British potato industry holding up

figures from the Potato Council putting the loss at around 2% of total crop area. This year's crops have fared considerably better and, although there have been some localised losses in the West Midlands, the Scottish Borders and parts of the North an...
Conagra Foods eager to break ground for new Lamb Weston Offices in Richmond
December 05, 2008

Conagra Foods eager to break ground for new Lamb Weston Offices in Richmond

ConAgra Foods is eager to start a new office building for subsidiary Lamb Weston now that the Richland City Council has approved a new $1.4 million deal for land at Columbia Point. ConAgra spokesman Jeff Mochal said Thursday that some details remain to...
December 01, 2008

Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC has much to celebrate, but 'Now is not the time to rest'

KMC’s annual meeting was held on November 28, 2008 and Chairman Martin Arvad was pleased to report of a year in which KMC not only celebrated its 75 year anniversary, but also of a year that presented one of the best results in KMC’s history.In Denmark...
December 01, 2008

Potato supplier becomes first food producer to receive the Carbon Trust Standard

The UK’s leading supplier of potatoes has become the first food producer in the country to receive the Carbon Trust Standard. Branston Ltd., which supplies over 400,000 tonnes of fresh potatoes every year, was awarded the accolade in recognition of its...
December 01, 2008

Chemist close to synthetically producing thaxtomin, the compound that causes potato scab

A bid to synthetically produce a toxin that costs the Australian potato industry about $20 million annually might hold the key to beating the disease, Australian researchers say. Researcher Peter Molesworth, of the University of Tasmania's School of C...
December 01, 2008

Maine's potato harvest down dramatically

The state's 2008 potato harvest was the smallest in decades thanks to losses in acreage and crop yields, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This year, Maine potato farmers produced an estimated 1.44 million pounds, 14% below the 2007 harv...
November 28, 2008

In Noordwest-Europa zijn meer consumptieaardappelen geoogst dan eerder gedacht.

De North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) gaat uit van een totale productie van 23,1 miljoen ton. Dat is ruim 513.000 ton meer dan in september was geschat. In de NEPG zitten vertegenwoordigers van telers uit Nederland, Duitsland, België, Frankr...
November 28, 2008

Aardappeltelers hebben een kwart van de oogst 2008 al afgeleverd

De Vereniging Telers Akkerbouw (VTA) heeft rond 15 november de eerste voorrraadinventarisatie uitgevoerd voor de opgeslagen aardappelen van oogst 2008. Deze inventarisatie voert de VTA telefonsich uit onder een vaste groep leden die representatief zijn...
November 27, 2008

NAV: kostprijs consumptieaardappelen stijgt naar ruim 16,5 eurocent

De kostprijs van consumptieaardappelen stijgt in het teeltseizoen 2009 naar ruim 15,5 eurocent excl. BTW (16,8 eurocent incl. BTW) voor levering maart-april 2010. Dat blijkt uit de kostprijsbegroting van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV). Deze kos...
November 26, 2008

Ecuador: En Ambato se elabora la harina de papa

En los laboratorios de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UTA), el investigador Galo Sandoval y un equipo de estudiantes logró que la papa se transforme en una harina blanquecina y fina. Este técnico de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Alimentos indica qu...
November 26, 2008

El futuro de los snacks

Álvaro Sánchez aplica lo que predica. Nunca se priva de alimentos que muchos consideran “chatarra”. Y no lo hace por amor a la bandera sino por convicción, porque, en realidad, se declara atraído por las papas fritas, los Doritos y los Cheetos. Claro q...
Basic American Foods
November 26, 2008

Reasoning Behind Basic American Foods Lays Off Questioned by United Potato Growers of Idaho

Basic American Foods announced it will be closing part of its Shelley plant, one of three facilities the business has in Idaho.Their reasoning they say is the downturn of the economy, the high cost of Idaho potatoes and the loss of sales volume.However...


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