Potato News

April 22, 2010

McDonald’s: Strong sales continue in April

McDonald’s Corp. reported on Thursday first-quarter earnings growth stemming from same-store sales growth in all areas of the world, which it said was strong in March and continuing through April. “March was a real good month,” Peter Bensen, McDon...
April 22, 2010

Restaurant results show consumers dining out again

First-quarter reports from public restaurant companies rolled in this week and have highlighted a long-awaited return of guest traffic after nearly two years of eateries losing customers who have been reluctant to spend.Restaurant executives from McDon...
April 21, 2010

Major supply problems for the early potato from Andalucia

The early potato from Andalusia comprising 75% of the Spanish crop, may have fallen 50% this year compared to the previous years, due to rain and bad weather this winter. These climate conditions, reduced the cultivation to 5,000 hectares approximately...
April 21, 2010

McDonald's Announces Strong Sales and Earnings Growth for First Quarter 2010

McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) today announced strong results for the first quarter driven by all areas of the world. "McDonald's compelling menu, unmatched convenience and unbeatable value generated another strong quarterly performance,&quot...
April 21, 2010

Ganancia McDonald's 1er trim supera previsiones

McDonald's reportó el miércoles ganancias trimestrales que superaron los pronósticos de los analistas gracias al repunte del mercado estadounidense en marzo y a que las ventas globales mantuvieron el impulso durante abril. Las acciones de la mayor cad...
 Mash Direct
April 20, 2010

Tight Pack Control at Mash Direct

An Ishida tray sealer and checkweigher/metal detector combination at Mash Direct, manufacturer of Ireland’s leading quick-serve mashed potato, vegetable and cabbage products, are delivering speed and efficiency in the packing process, as well as helpi...
PCA: aardappelareaal België groeit 7 procent
April 20, 2010

PCA: aardappelareaal België groeit 7 procent

Het areaal bewaaraardappelen in Vlaanderen stijgt dit oogstjaar met 7 procent, meldt het Proefcentrum voor de Aardappelteelt (PCA) in Kruishoutem op basis van een enquête.   Omdat aardappelverwerkers garantie van aanvoer willen, sluiten ze meer contrac...
April 20, 2010

China's first potato museum in Yanquing, Beijing

Potatoes also have a museum. China's first and only "Potato Museum"was completed in Yanqing County, Beijing. The history, current condition, development, promotion and application of potatoes in China are shown at the exhibition hall which co...
April 19, 2010

HZPC boort nieuwe pootgoedmarkten aan

Aardappelhandelshuis HZPC ziet zich dit seizoen genoodzaakt om met zijn pootgoed andere markten aan te boren dan gebruikelijk. "In een jaar als dit moeten we alle gaten vullen", zegt financieel manager Jan Hoogenboom. De uitvoer van poters ...
Potato Starch:
April 19, 2010

Potato Starch: China reviews import tariffs EU Potato Starch

China announced today to start a mid-term review of the anti-dumping duties on imports of potato starch from the European Union, a move which may lead to the increase of duties imposed in 2007.
April 19, 2010

Improved restaurant results expected for 1Q

Restaurant companies releasing first-quarter results in the weeks ahead are expected to report improved sales trends, continued cost controls and a heightened sense that an industry recovery has begun, according to securities analysts.While severe wint...
 Urschel Laboratories Inc
April 16, 2010

Urschel Laboratories Celebrates 100 Years as Leading Manufacturer of Precision Food Cutting Equipment

Urschel Laboratories Inc is commemorating a century in the manufacturing of precision food cutting equipment. Urschel Laboratories Inc. continues its worldwide reputation for excellence by working in partnership with customers to meet the ever-changing...


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