Potato News

July 16, 2010

Fast Food Using Less Trans Fats

Trans fats have been showing up less often in fast-food restaurant meals.Research from the University of Minnesota's Nutrition Coordinating Center has shows major chains have significantly reduced their use of oils that contain trans fat in French frie...
 English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding winner walkers flavour cup
July 15, 2010

Winner Walkers Flavour Cup announced

Walkers, the UK’s No. 1 crisps and snacks manufacturer, has announced English Roast Beef &Yorkshire Pudding as the winner of its Walkers Flavour Cup campaign, the world’s first ever ‘crisp tournament’. The Sunday lunch flavour gained more than  ...
 Farm Frites
July 15, 2010

'Prijsstijging diepvriesfrites onvermijdelijk'

Een prijsstijging van diepvriesfrites is onvermijdelijk, gezien de achterstand die aardappelplanten door de droogte hebben opgelopen ten opzichte van voorgaande jaren.Dat zeggen fritesfabrikanten. De stijgende aardappelprijs heeft direct impact op de f...
 PEI Potato Board
July 15, 2010

PEI Potato Crop ahead of schedule

Good growing conditions this spring and summer have put the P.E.I. potato crop more than a week ahead of schedule.   Potato Board chair Boyde Rose said there was some damage from heavy rain a few weeks ago, affecting one to two per cent of the crop, bu...
 Food Standards Agency
July 14, 2010

IFST responds to FSA break-up story

Stories circulated yesterday reported that Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, would be announcing the break up of the Food Standards Agency.  They also suggested that this break up was an indication that the Government had ‘caved in’ to the pressure of...
 World Potato Congress
July 14, 2010

World Potato Congress 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland

World Potato Congress Inc (WPC Inc) President, Allan Parker and Potato Council Chairman Allan Stevenson, announced today that Edinburgh has been selected as the site of the 8th International World Potato Congress to be held in May 2012.It is the first ...
July 14, 2010

Eerste zilte aardappel wordt geoogst op Texel

Voor het eerst worden er aardappelen uit zilte grond geoogst. Dit gebeurt vrijdag op het Texelse Den Hoorn.Aardappelteeltbedrijven Biemond en Fobek uit Sint Annaparochie rooien de aardappelen samen met Arjen de Vos van de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterd...
Potato Processing factory planned for Kisoro District (Uganda)
July 14, 2010

Potato Processing factory planned for Kisoro District (Uganda)

Kisoro district (Uganda) is to get tea and Irish potato processing factories. President Yoweri Museveni made the pledge on Tuesday during a Prosperity-for-All campaign tour in the district.   Kisoro is the biggest producer of Irish potatoes in the coun...
July 13, 2010

KMC's Michael Jensen (CEO) says farewell

KMC's board of directors announced today that Michael Jensen, CEO has resigned his position with immediate effect.A resignation agreement has therefore been made and part of this agreement is that neither party states the reasons for termination of the...
 Potato Council
July 13, 2010

Euro Potato: Northern Europe crop and market development

Heavy rainfall at the start of the second week of July has benefited parts of Northern European, where the dry conditions are affecting the whole European potato industry. Most areas have crops two weeks behind last year. New crop tuber size and yields...
 Grow Your own Potatoes
July 12, 2010

Schools Harvesting Renews Vigour For Potatoes

Potatoes have been the centre of classroom activity as thousands of Earlies, grown as part of the Potato Council ‘Grow Your Own Potatoes’ project, have been unearthed.Nearly half a million pupils have had a hand in growing their own potatoes this year ...
July 12, 2010

EU funding to support potato marketing in UK, France and Belgium

The promotion of fresh potatoes in the UK is to be boosted by additional funding from the European Union.   This follows an application for co-financing of a European programme for the promotion of fresh potatoes, made jointly by the UK, France and Bel...


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