Potato News

Más sobre el paro de la planta de McCain en Argentina
November 28, 2010

Más sobre el paro de la planta de McCain en Argentina

La semana pasada publicamos una noticia sobre el paro de trabajadores en la planta de McCain en Argentina (1). En ella dábamos cuenta sobre cómo la planta industrial de papas prefritas congeladas de Balcarce se mantenía paralizada desde el domingo 15 a...
 Idaho Potato Commission
November 28, 2010

Spudman interviews Frank Muir

In their series of interviews with key people in the US potato industry, Spudman interviewed Frank Muir.
November 27, 2010

Audio libro sobre papas nativas de Colombia, basado en un estudio realizado a sesenta variedades

Audiolibro producido por la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica). Autores: José Dilmer Moreno y María del Socorro Cerón.
 McCain Foods
November 27, 2010

Excessive rain in Gujarat may become problem for potato processors

McCain Foods India, which sources potatoes for its french fries and wedges from Deesa in Gujarat, may look at other states such as Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal or Uttar Pradesh to procure potatoes
 NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers)
November 26, 2010

NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht 4,4% lagere aardappelproductie in 2010

November 26, 2010

Grimme launches new two-row potato planter

Visitors to Grimme’s German Technica were treated to the first showing of a new two-row potato planter and a sneak preview of the company’s very first trailer last week.
November 26, 2010

Blight ravages potato crop in Karnataka region, India

Potato farmers have lost lakhs of rupees due to destruction of potato crop by a bout of blight, yet, they are yet to receive any relief money from the Agricultural Department.
November 25, 2010

Dealer punished for illegal storage of potato seeds

Authorities yesterday suspended the license of a Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) seed dealer in Rajshahi after they seized 118 sacks of 'illegal' potato seeds from his possession the previous night.
November 25, 2010

Cosun investigates the potential sale of Unifine Food & Bake Ingredients

Royal Cosun announces that it has decided to investigate the potential sale of Unifine Food & Bake Ingredients (Unifine F&Bi), its pastry ingredients business.
November 24, 2010

Gobierno peruano entregará 19 módulos demostrativos para procesamiento de cultivos andinos, incluida entre ellos la papa

Productores se beneficiarán con mayor valor agregado. El Gobierno Regional Puno, mediante la Dirección Regional de Agricultura y el Proyecto Cultivos Andinos, entregará 19 módulos demostrativos para darle mayor valor agregado en el procesamiento de cul...
 Supermarket guru Phil Lempert
November 23, 2010

Phil Lempert: 2011 Food trends to watch

November 23, 2010

Grimme harvester in the City of London at historic 683rd Lord Major Show

Grimme’s two-row self-propelled potato harvester took to the London Streets at the historic 683rd Lord Mayor’s Show last weekend


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