Over a decade, Potato Exports from Malta fell from 7,200 tonnes in 2004 crop to just 3,100 tonnes in 2014, a massive 56% drop.
Marzo 18, 2011
Eerste Malta-aardappelen gearriveerd bij aardappelgroothandel Altena
De eerste truck met echte voorjaarsoogst Malta-aardappelen is vanmorgen per truck bij Aardappelgroothandel Altena in Wijk en Aalburg gearriveerd.
Marzo 12, 2010
First Maltese potatoes arrive in Europe
This week the first Maltese potatoes arrived in Europe. The growing season in Malta this year has been exceptional. Because they were able to plant early, the harvest is three weeks earlier than last year. Above all the growers (cooperation) is very ha...