Potato News

 Interpom Primeurs 2008
December 18, 2008

Interpom | Primeurs welcomed 11.5% more visitors in 2008

The organisers of the Interpom|Primeurs look back at this years event:After a very successful edition in 2006 and a record number of 185 exhibitors registered for this year’s event, occupying an exhibition area of 25 000m² expectations for the 2008 eve...
December 18, 2008

Agrico resultaten boekjaar 2007/2008

Agrico heeft over het boekjaar 2007-2008 na de uitbetaling aan de telers een positief saldo van 296.000 euro bijgeschreven. De financiële omzet van de aardappelcooperatie bedroeg 193 miljoen euro bij 707.907 ton product, exclusief de omzet van dochters...
December 18, 2008

Herman Vermeer volgt Flip van den Hoek op als voorzitter van Agrico's Raad van Beheer

Aardappelcooperatie Agrico heeft een nieuwe voorzitter van de raad van beheer. Tijdens de algemene ledenvergadering op 18 december droeg Flip van den Hoek de voorzittershamer over aan zijn opvolger Herman Vermeer. Herman Vermeer is een bestuurlijke ...
 New York Fries
December 18, 2008

Jay Gould: The New York Fries president on selling fries when times are tough

Jay Gould: The New York Fries president on selling fries when times are tough (video)
December 17, 2008

CIP releases Annual report 2007: Roots and Tubers - the overlooked opportunity

Roots and tubers already make a substantial contribution to providing food and alleviating poverty in the developing countries.  We are convinced that they will play an increasingly important role as food for the future, particularly in the vulnerable ...
 Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
December 17, 2008

NAO verwacht matige afzet tafelaardappel

De Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) blikt terug op een redelijk goed afzetseizoen voor de tafelaardappel, maar verwacht een matige afzet voor 2008/2009.Dat laat voorzitter Kees van Arendonk van de NAO weten aan Vakblad Agf. “De aardappel stond i...
 United States Potato Board (USPB)
December 17, 2008

US Dehy Draws Record Attention at Food Ingredients Asia Trade Show

The United States Potato Board’s (USPB’s) Dehydrated Potato Program attracted a record number of interested attendees at the 2008 Food Ingredients Asia Trade Show.
December 17, 2008

Tajikistan: Potatoes are doing well

Tajikistan’s cotton harvest may have fallen well short of its target in 2008, but in at least one district in the Central Asian nation, potatoes are doing very well. Yet officials at the Ministry of Agricultural in Dushanbe insist they will keep growi...
December 17, 2008

US Potato Stocks Down 9 Percent From December 2007;Usage for processing down, especially for dehy.

The 13 major [US] potato States held 242 million cwt of potatoes in storage December 1, 2008, down 9 percent from a year ago and 7 percent below December 1, 2006. Potatoes in storage accounted for 66 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production,...
 Producers and Exporters of Andalusian Early Potatoes
December 17, 2008

The Andalusian early potato sector increases its production over 4% in 2008

Andalusia confirms itself as the leading Autonomous Community in the production of early potato in Spain, with over 364,000 tons and a 75% share of the national market, according to the information offered by the President of the Association of Produce...
December 17, 2008

Pinguin will be renamed Pinguin-Lutosa;CEO sees frozen foods boost from recession

As consumers feel the pinch of recession, they are likely to shun pricier fresh produce and head for cheaper fare in supermarket freezers, predicted the chief executive officer of frozen foods firm Pinguin. "If this crisis goes on long enough, p...
Key Technology Introduces New Online Training Program
December 17, 2008

Key Technology Introduces New Online Training Program

Key Technology launches its new Online Training Program, an interactive multimedia curriculum covering Key’s optical inspection systems and vibratory conveyors. The flexible, web-based program offers a wide variety of self-paced training modules.


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