Potato News

November 30, 2009

Combined U.S. Fall Potato and Canadian Potato Production Up 2 Percent From 2008

The 2009 fall potato production for the U.S. and Canada combined is estimated at 494 million cwt, up 2 percent from 2008. The U.S. fall potato production is estimated at 392 million cwt, 3 percent higher than 2008. Canada's potato growers harvested 102...
November 30, 2009

Alza en la demanda de alimentos y snacks exige tecnificación

La industria de alimentos y snacks en el país está experimentando un crecimiento en su demanda del 10% durante este año, según indicaron fuentes cercanas al sector. Por ello, el área ha tenido que implementar nuevas líneas de producción. Estas nuevas ...
November 30, 2009

Pepsico ha unido esfuerzos con TerraCycle para crear bolsos hechos con envolturas de papas fritas usadas

PepsiCo, la empresa madre del fabricante de aperitivos Frito-Lay ( Doritos, Tostitos y Cheetos) quiere cambiar la cara de la compañia y darle una presentación de empresa responsable con el medio ambiente ya ha mostrado algunos avances con el desarrollo...
November 29, 2009

Closure of Idahoan Foods plant causes uncertainty in Dubois

Closure of the Idahoan Foods plant that employed 22 percent of Clark County's labor force, causes uncertainty for the residents of the southeastern Idaho town of Dubois.The shuttering of the Idahoan Foods plant on Oct. 22 eliminated 128 jobs from a pla...
November 27, 2009

Omzet cafetaria’s stijgt 1,7 procent

Fastfood bedrijven hebben hun omzet in het derde kwartaal zien stijgen met 1,7 procent. Hiermee doen ze het beter dan de overige sectoren. Deze zagen hum omzet allemaal dalen. De prijzen in de cafetaria’s stegen 2,3 procent, maar het omzetvolume daalde...
 Bane Knezevic
November 27, 2009

Interview with Branislav Knezevic, President Western Division McDonald's Europe

Branislav (Bane) Knezevic, President Western Division of McDonald’s Europe was interviewed by Mike Dawson, editor of Lebensmittel Zeitung. Mike Dawson was looking for a fast food and global brand man’s view of food retailing in order to gain some cross...
November 27, 2009

Belgische aardappelen in geimproviseerde opslag kiemen vroeg door warme herfst

Als gevolg van de uitzonderlijk zachte temperaturen dreigen nogal wat aardappeltelers die hun aardappelen proberen te bewaren zonder een professionele bewaarplaats hun oogst te verliezen. Aardappelen die niet in geïsoleerde en klimaatgecontroleerde loo...
 Food Standards Agency
November 27, 2009

Attitudes to GM Foods explored in new Food Standards Agency report

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is today publishing findings of a qualitative research project commissioned to explore public attitudes to genetic modification (GM). This report is timely and will be considered by the independent steering group that ha...
 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond
November 27, 2009

NAV: Te veel aardappelen in Noordwest Europa dramatisch voor aardappelprijzen

Ondanks de lichte daling van de Nederlandse aardappeloogst 2009 ten opzichte van 2008 zijn de prijzen van consumptieaardappelen dramatisch laag. De oorzaak is veel te veel aardappelen in Noordwest Europa. Dat stelt bestuurslid Keimpe van der Heide van ...
 McDonald's Green logo in Europe
November 26, 2009

McDonald's logo gets green background in Europe

McDonald's will swap the traditional red backdrop for a deep hunter green to offset its Golden Arches across German in an effort to promote a more eco-friendly image, the company said Monday. The change is to occur in about 100 German McDonald's rest...
 McCain Foods
November 25, 2009

McCain Foods received award for fryer energy recovery system in Carberry

McCain Foods (Canada) was recognized for its environmental leadership and energy conservation achievements at an awards dinner in Toronto on Nov. 24. The company received the award for its energy recovery system at its potato processing plant in Carber...
Emblemático logo de McDonald's cambia de color por el medio ambiente
November 25, 2009

Emblemático logo de McDonald's cambia de color por el medio ambiente

Como una forma de ponerse a tono con la preocupación mundial por el medio ambiente, la mayor cadena mundial de restaurantes, McDonald’s, cambiará el rojo por verde en su logo en los locales de Europa. “Con esta nueva imagen queremos dejar clara nuestr...


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