Potato News

 Sabritas lanza en México papa frita sin grasa
February 01, 2010

Sabritas lanza en México papa frita sin grasa

La multinacional líder de botanas en México comenzará a comercializar papas fritas muy bajas en grasa gracias a un nuevo sistema de fabricación, anunció en Davos el presidente de Sabritas, Pedro Padierna. Padierna explicó a Notimex que la firma ha abi...
 McCain Masala french fries
February 01, 2010

McCain Foods India introduces Masala French Fries

McCain Foods India Pvt Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of McCain Foods Ltd. Canada, has introduced a unique product - Masala Fries for the Institutional customers. The product has been introduced at Hosts 2010 being held in Mumbai annually. It is India’s fi...
 Farm Frites French Fries
January 29, 2010

Aardappelverwerkende Industrie verwacht moeilijk jaar

De moeilijke marktomstandigheden en de economische crisis hebben de aardappelverwerkende industrie in Noordwest-Europa vele tientallen miljoenen euro gekost. Verwacht wordt dat ook 2010 een moeilijk jaar blijft voor de aardappelverwerkers. “Onze marges...
 Potato Nutrition
January 29, 2010

BBC: Time to rethink the potato?

The Potato Council is trying to garner support for its campaign to reclassify the tuber as a "supercarb"- recognising its "unique dual identity"as both carbohydrate and vegetable.A petition is being put to Downing Street asking for ...
January 29, 2010

USDA to buy up $9 million of fresh potatoes

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced USDA's intention to purchase $29.1 million worth of blueberry, pear, potato, peach and mixed fruit products for federal food nutrition assistance programs. "These purchases will help stabilize pric...
HiFri stoom-frituur
January 29, 2010

Verkoop 'stoom'-frituur HiFri verloopt moeizaam

De verkoop van de verleden jaar door Adriaan Verdaasdonk geïntroduceerde ‘stoom’-frituur HiFri verloopt moeizaam. Dit komt door de lastige economische situatie, aldus Verdaasdonk op de website FD.nl (Financieele Dagblad)
January 28, 2010

Punjab farmers advised to sell potato harvest in March

With the arrival of potato crop in Punjab, a study released by Punjab Agriculture Univeristy (PAU) Ludhiana has advised farmers to sell their potato harvest in the month of March when the prices are expected to touch Rs 575-610 per quintal.
 Key Technology
January 28, 2010

Key Technology Announces Fiscal 2010 First Quarter Results

Key Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq:KTEC) today announced sales and operating results for the first quarter of fiscal 2010 ended December 31, 2009.Net sales for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 totaled $22.4 million, compared to $27.4 million re...
January 28, 2010

ADM Releases First Corporate Responsibility Report

Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) has made considerable progress in the areas of supply-chain integrity, environmental stewardship, social investing and safety since the Company convened its Sustainability Steering Committee in 2007.  Those a...
 Fruit Logistica
January 28, 2010

Potato Council represents UK seed potato suppliers at Fruit Logistica

Increased overseas demand for British-grown seed potatoes has drawn the Potato Council from Britain, one of the biggest seed-exporting countries in the world, to represent exporters at Fruit Logistica 2010.
 Triunfar sobre el cambio climático: variedades del CIP resistentes al calor y a la sequía
January 28, 2010

El CIP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes al calor y a la sequía

Un proyecto de tres años del CIP está impulsando la producción de papa mediante variedades que han sido mejoradas y probadas para adaptarse mejor a la sequía e incremento de temperaturas que está afectando a diversos países del centro y suroeste de Asi...
January 28, 2010

Salt Reduction Initiatives across Europe

Salt reduction initiatives are underway in all the EU member states under the EU framework, but public awareness raising and reformulation are patchy. The EU framework for national salt initiatives was adopted in 2008 by the High Level Group on Diet, P...


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