
 Common Scab
五月 09, 2011

Continuing drought increases common scab threat for UK potato growers

Lack of rain has affected most of England and Wales and unusually dry ground may result in higher levels of common scab than in the last few years, says Potato Council technical executive Chris Steele.
五月 09, 2011

Idaho Pacific Holding sold by Otter Tail Corporation

On May 6, 2011 Otter Tail Corporation completed the sale of Idaho Pacific Holding to affiliates of Novacap Industries III, L.P., for approximately $87.0 million in cash.
五月 09, 2011

Fire at Norfolk Heinz potato processing factory

Production has been halted at a Heinz factory in North Walsham, Norfolk after a major fire over the weekend. <br><br>The fire, reasons for which are currently unknown, began at around midnight on Friday night and was finally put out by around tea time the next day.
 McCain Foods Rustic oven fries
五月 09, 2011

McCain Foods turns 'chips' category around

Oven chip specialist McCain Foods' efforts to reformulate its product range combined with a targeted PR campaign has helped it to successfully navigate the healthy food storm
 LTO Nederland
五月 08, 2011

Nachtvorst veroorzaakt schade aan aardappelen

Boeren in het noorden, oosten en zuidoosten van Nederland hebben flinke schade geleden door de nachtvorst in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag. Vooral vroege percelen aardappelen zijn beschadigd door de vorst. Dat meldt de Land- en Tuinbouw Organisati...
五月 08, 2011

Chips de papas nativas peruanas son premiadas en Europa

Productores de Pazos, Huancavelica, concretan ventas. Por su éxito el comité real belga les ha otorgado el galardón Arqueros de Oro en Francia y Bélgica. La noticia fue publicada por el diario peruano El Comercio y está disponible en un archivo PDF en ...
五月 08, 2011

Droogte-tolerantie aardappelen verder te verbeteren

Het wordt in de toekomst waarschijnlijk mogelijk om via plantenveredeling aardappelplanten te ontwikkelen die beter tegen droogte kunnen dan de planten die tot nu toe op de akkers staan.
五月 07, 2011

New Brunswick farmer detained in Lebanon arrested on international criminal warrant

A New Brunswick potato farmer who has been detained in Lebanon for more than 40 days is being improperly held on an international criminal warrant at the request of the Algerian government, according to his lawyer Rodney Gillis.
五月 06, 2011

Survey finds no Dickeya in Scottish potatoes

There were no positive findings of the potato disease Dickeya during post-harvest sampling of the Scottish 2010/11 potato crop, SASA has announced.
五月 06, 2011

Bangladesh potato exports surge on subsidy boost

Bangladesh Potato exports surged 71 percent to 16,570 tonnes in the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year, exceeding the total quantity of the tuber exports last year.
 Neiker Tecnalia
五月 06, 2011

El Instituto Neiker-Tecnalia de España fue elegido para identificar nuevas variedades de papa en la UE

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Neiker-Tecnalia, se encargará de realizar los exámenes técnicos de identificación para el registro en España de las nuevas variedades de patata que provengan de la Unión Europea
五月 06, 2011

Agregando valor a las papas nativas en el Perú: Un Análisis dsde el Enfoque de Sistemas de Innovación (Versión final)

La Iniciativa Papa Andina ha publicado la versión final del documento Agregando valor a las papas nativas en el Perú: Un Análisis desde el Enfoque de Sistemas de Innovación de Hugo Fano, Miguel Ordinola y Claudio Velasco (2010). Resumen Hace cinco a...


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