
五月 30, 2011

Gran Canaria crea las papas fritas Lay’s Mojo Picón

Gran Canaria se ha sumado a la iniciativa puesta en marcha por la marca de patatas fritas Lay’s, que ha lanzado un concurso a nivel nacional llamado ‘Casting de Sabores’, creando un producto típicamente de la tierra, las Lay’s Mojo Picón. Bajo el lema...
五月 30, 2011

Peru celebrates National Potato Day

Today in Arequipa the Potato Festival marks National Potato Day, featuring a variety of dishes for hundreds of guests to taste, reports Andina.
 Universiteit Gent
五月 30, 2011

Universiteit Gent verontwaardigd over gewelddadige vernieling genetisch gewijzigde aardappelen

五月 30, 2011

El CIP celebró el Día Nacional de la Papa en sus instalaciones del distrito de La Molina en Lima

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y la Comisión Multisectorial del Día Nacional de la Papa promovida por el Ministerio de Agricultura, celebraron por séptimo año consecutivo el Día Nacional de la Papa el viernes 27 de mayo en las instalaciones d...
Trade War Between China and EU from Coated Paper to Potato Starch
五月 30, 2011

Trade War Between China and EU from Coated Paper to Potato Starch

This article was offered to us for publication on PotatoPro by CCM International Ltd, a Chinese market research company focusing on China, Asia-Pacific Rim and the global market. CCM offers Market Data, Analysis, Reports, Newsletters, Buyer-Trader In...
五月 30, 2011

Simplot and Himalya International form Joint venture in India

Himalya International India &J R Simplot Company, USA have signed memorandum of understanding to form joint venture in India.
五月 30, 2011

Frito-Lay Modesto Facility California’s First Existing Food Manufacturing Site to Achieve LEED Gold

PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay Modesto, Calif., facility has become the state’s first food manufacturing site to be awarded LEED® Gold existing building
五月 29, 2011

Another SE Idaho field infected with Potato Cyst Nematodes

Another southeastern Idaho field has been infected with a microscopic wormlike pest that attacks potato plants despite $36 million spent on eradication efforts over the last five years, officials say.
五月 29, 2011

Anti-GM potato protest leaves 18 injured in Belgium

Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
五月 29, 2011

First BMA potato flake line in production in China

Chifeng City Linkage Food Co. in Inner Mongolia celebrated this grand official opening on 29 December 2010.
 Leeuw van de Export
五月 29, 2011

BEST genomineerd voor Vlaamse exportprijs "Leeuw van de Export"

Een jury van prominenten uit de economische wereld heeft bekend gemaakt welke 6 Vlaamse bedrijven kans maken op de prestigieuze exportprijs Leeuw van de Export.
五月 29, 2011

Heinz vestigt R&D Centrum in Nederland

Het Amerikaanse bedrijf Heinz gaat een Europees onderzoekscentrum bouwen in Nijmegen. Dat levert in totaal 300 banen op.


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