
三月 16, 2012

Duitsland: Omzet aardappelverwerking flink gestegen

De omzet van aardappelverwerkingsbedrijven in Duitsland is het afgelopen jaar opnieuw flink gestegen, namelijk met 8,4%. De aardappelen waren in de tweede helft van het jaar voordelig beschikbaar. Deze omzetstijging zal in de cijfers over de aardappel...
三月 16, 2012

Gedupeerde telers Agrico naar de rechter

Een groep van ongeveer zestig voormalige leden-telers van Agrico begint een rechtszaak tegen de coöperatie vanwege de verkoop van de fritesaardappelenhandel van Agrico aan Aviko. Dat heeft de groep, die zich heeft verenigd in een stichting, donderdag i...
三月 16, 2012

U.S. Potato Board turns 40, earns praise from USDA

The U.S. Potato Board’s annual meeting March 15 started off on with some good news from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bob Keeney, deputy administrator of fruit and vegetable programs for the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service gave the board, ...
三月 15, 2012

Snacking trend an opportunity for restaurants

Consumers in the United States are snacking significantly more now than they were just two years ago. Almost half (48 percent) of consumers polled say they’re now snacking at least twice a day, compared to 25 percent in 2010.
三月 15, 2012

Clean-Label And Gluten-Free Add Flavor To Savory Snacks, says Innova Market Insights

Despite ongoing economic difficulties, new product activity in the global snackfoods industry appears to be continuing unabated. Launch numbers recorded by Innova Market Insights showed a strong double-digit increase in 2011. Savory and salty snacks ac...
 McDonald's best of sustainable supply 2012
三月 14, 2012

McDonald's (potato) suppliers making progress in sustainability

McDonald's just announced its 2012 Best of Sustainable Supply Chain winners by highlighting 51 stories of supply chain partners addressing challenges to help improve food sources, the environment, communities and employee wellness across the world. Man...
 Lays Classic
三月 14, 2012

PepsiCo potato chip brands surpass $10 billion in global retail sales

PepsiCo, Inc. today announced that its global 'Banner Sun' potato chip portfolio has grown to more than $10 billion in annual retail sales, anchored by Lay's, the world's largest food brand and the No. 1 potato chip brand globally.
 Russian Banana (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
三月 14, 2012

Idaho increases specialty potato market share

Russet potatoes still dominate markets, but specialties are gaining.
 Russet Burbank
三月 14, 2012

Russet prices rising

Long-sluggish russet markets are beginning to strengthen, and prices should continue to rise as the 2011-2012 deal enters its homestretch this summer. Strong processing demand was beginning to tip the scales in March in what has been a year of abundan...
 Neiker Tecnalia
三月 14, 2012

La Sociedad Newco promovida por el Instituto Neiker Tecnalia libera tres nuevas variedades de papas en España

La Sociedad Newco promovida por el centro de investigación Neiker Tecnalia saca tres nuevas variedades de patatas. Con este proyecto de investigación, enmarcado en un sector tradicional de Álava como es la producción de patata de siembra, se pretende c...
三月 13, 2012

Colorado potatoes still kept out of Mexico's interior

Colorado Agricultural Commissioner John Salazar thought that the ban on Colorado potatoes into the heart of Mexico was solved last summer when the U.S. and its southern neighbor worked out an agreement to allow Mexican trucks full access to U.S. markets.
三月 13, 2012

Devastated Australian potato growers to seek Government assistance

Crookwell's seed potato growers will seek assistance from the State Government because of the catastrophic affect of the fortnight of heavy rain on their crops.


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