Employees Conagra Foods hear more about corporate changes
Last Friday, Conagra Foods detailed broad measures, including layoffs, early retirement incentives and cuts to travel and catering, in its bid to save money and boost shareholder return, with the city of Omaha in particular affected.
十月 18, 2015
RPE to Launch New Potato Varieties This Fall
RPE Inc., has announced the addition of six new varieties of potatoes being released this fall.
十月 18, 2015
September FAO Food Price Index breaks downward trend, but only just.
The FAO Food Price Index averaged 156.3 points in September 2015, up one point from its sharply reduced August value, but still 18.9 percent less than one year ago.
十月 18, 2015
Easily fit this metal detector system in your processing line
Easily integrate a CEIA metal detector with any checkweigher or other in-line equipment with the new CEIA THS/RB-800 system from Heat and Control, Inc.
十月 17, 2015
Innovación para mejorar la agricultura y la nutrición (Video)
Este video ilustra la experiencia de IssAndes, un proyecto de desarrollo del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), que promovió la innovación para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en las tierras altas andinas.
十月 17, 2015
España: Producir leche y papa tendrá una rebaja fiscal
Asaja de Castilla y León valora la reducción de módulos para los sectores del vacuno de leche y de la patata anunciada por los ministerios de Hacienda y Agricultura, reducción que además tendrá carácter estructural y no puntual.
十月 14, 2015
Colombia: A pesar del dólar alto la importación de papa procesada sigue en alza
En el país se siembran 129 mil hectáreas de papa, de las cuales el 75% son producidas por pequeños campesinos.
十月 14, 2015
Ecuador produce nuevas variedades de papa de calidad y alto rendimiento
El director ejecutivo del INIAP señaló que se seguirá apoyando al agricultor ecuatoriano con nuevas tecnologías, “para contribuir al desarrollo territorial, incrementar la productividad y reducir la pobreza”, apuntó.
十月 13, 2015
Nominations Open for Potato Industry Awards
Don’t miss out on the chance to recognize and honor a well-deserving member of the potato grower community by nominating them for 'Potato Man of the Year' or 'Potato Man for All Seasons'.
十月 13, 2015
Side Delights Steamables Adds Steamables Medley Potatoes To Their Line-Up
Side Delights® Steamables today announces an exciting new addition to their line-up: Steamables Medley potatoes
十月 13, 2015
Potato company HZPC pays € 3.75 dividend
Extremely low prices in the European ware potato market have put a dent in HZPC's sales of certified seed potatoes in Europe.
十月 13, 2015
BP2015 Potato Industry Dinner will feature winning dish of AHDB Student Competition
Delegates at BP2015 are in for a treat as a competition winning dish will be served up at the industry dinner. Potatoes naturally take a starring role in the main course dish created by a local Harrogate College student, as part of a competition run by AHDB Potatoes.