
六月 14, 2008

McDonald's returns sliced tomatoes to menu

McDonald's Corp. says it will begin serving sliced tomatoes again after a multistate salmonella outbreak caused the world's largest restaurant chain to yank the vegetable from its sandwiches. Spokeswoman Danya Proud said Saturday that the fast food cha...
 United States Potato Board
六月 13, 2008

USDA buys an additional 70MT dehydrated potato flakes for food aid in Africa

An additional 70 MT (10,032.75 cwt fresh weight equivalent) of dehydrated potato flakes (dehy) was purchased by USDA, June 3rd for Africare, a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in Africa. The dehydrated potato flakes will be utilized in progr...
 Verantwoord frituren
六月 13, 2008

Helft Horeca frituurt in gezond vet

De groei van het aantal bedrijven dat 'gezond' frituurt, stagneert. De helft van de horecazaken gebruikte vorig jaar vloeibaar frituurvet. Dit aantal is gelijk aan een jaar eerder, blijkt uit een rapport van de Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA). KHN ...
六月 13, 2008

South Africa: McDonald's plans to expand

Fast food group McDonald's, one of the largest landowners in the world, is set on expanding aggressively in SA. Executive director Greg Solomon said the local operation aimed to expand outlets by 15%-25% a year for the next few years. By the end of the...
六月 13, 2008

McDonalds Creates Billboard That Actually Grows Lettuce

To get the point across that their salads are “really fresh”, McDonalds hired ad-maker Leo Burnett to deliver the message. So, he put together a billboad that over time grew lettuce to form the words “Fresh Salads”. Wouldn’t it be cool if all billboa...
六月 13, 2008

Belgie: geen aanwijzingen gevonden voor prijsafspraken friet

Er zijn geen prijsafspraken gemaakt voor de prijs van een zak frieten. Dat blijkt uit een vooronderzoek van de dienst voor mededinging naar de prijsvorming van Belgische frieten, aldus minister voor Ondernemen Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld). Aanle...
六月 12, 2008

EEUU dice brote salmonela afecta a 17 estados y continua

Los funcionarios de salud de Estados Unidos dijeron el miércoles que aún están recibiendo informes de personas que se enferman por comer tomates contaminados con salmonela y agregaron que por el momento tienen reportes de 167 casos, en 17 estados del p...
六月 12, 2008

Syngenta en Monsanto bereiken akkoord over patenten en royalties

Syngenta en Monsanto, de wereldwijde leiders in de productie van genetisch gemanipuleerde zaden, hebben een akkoord bereikt in een langlopende strijd over patenten en royalties. Voor ABN Amro was dat voldoende aanleiding om daar eens nader op in te gaa...
六月 12, 2008

New Food Industry CEO's mean New Directions

Fourteen of the 15 largest food companies have changed CEOs in the past three years. Here’s a look at how seven of them will change the food industry. Apparently it’s been a tough couple of years for the heads of U.S. food and beverage companies. Sin...
六月 12, 2008

Low storage supply keeps potato markets strong

Markets for potatoes should stay very strong into August, with supplies scarce thanks to smaller storage crops in Idaho and other states, but there should be plenty of new-crop potatoes for late summer and fall promotions, grower-shippers said.As stora...
六月 12, 2008

Water shortage in Madhya Pradesh poses threat to the production of potato seeds at CPRI Research Station

The potato research centre, which has earned a name for producing quality potato seeds, is facing problems due to water scarcity. Most of the research center’s water sources have dried up. Even people working at the centre are not getting sufficient s...
六月 12, 2008

ConAgra Foods products are getting new nutrition labels

Nutrition graphics featuring the Agriculture Department's widely recognized "MyPyramid"design are scheduled to appear on nearly 700 ConAgra Foods product labels beginning this summer.In February, Omaha-based ConAgra became the first company ...


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