
八月 19, 2008

Japan to label goods' carbon footprints

Japan is planning to label consumer goods to show their carbon footprints in a bid to raise public awareness about global warming, an official said Tuesday. Under the plan, a select range of products from beverages to detergent will carry markings on ...
八月 18, 2008

Minimising Scottish potato crop's growing pains

Every year, during the early summer about 100 trainee potato inspectors are to be found walking through numbered rows of plants in a large field on the outskirts of Edinburgh. At the end of their course at Gogarbank Farm outside the capital, the inspec...
八月 18, 2008

Potatoes help with Alzheimer's study

A virus that commonly infects potatoes bears a striking resemblance to one of the key proteins implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and researchers have used that to develop antibodies that may slow or prevent the onset of AD. In the August 15 Jour...
八月 18, 2008

Potato Event presents new ideas for East Anglian growers

East Anglian potato growers have a valuable chance to get a grip on rapidly escalating input costs, with an exciting presentation of the latest ideas and innovations in potato agronomy at the East Anglian Potato Event, taking place on 4 September at St...
八月 16, 2008

Branston warns growers of biofumigant claims

Branston, the UK's leading supplier of potatoes, used its annual Summer Field Walk to alert growers to unsubstantiated claims surrounding the use of some biofumigation products. Speaking at the annual gathering of members of Branston's Lincolnshire Pro...
八月 16, 2008

Organic vegetables more expensive in British groceries

Comparison shopping by a United Kingdom newspaper showed that organic veggies cost 22 percent more in British supermarkets than those sold by box delivery schemes and local grocers. A large box of greens made up of fennel, chard leaves, runner beans, c...
八月 16, 2008

Food costs 'to soar' after pesticide ban

CASH-strapped consumers face yet more soaring food prices because of plans by Brussels to ban commonly-used pesticides. Farmers' leaders in Scotland predict rises of up to 50% on some staple items such as cereals, potatoes and fruit at a time when foo...
八月 16, 2008

Zorba, la patata diseñada en Alava que emplea Mc Donald's en sus restaurantes europeos

McDonald's se ha convertido en el principal cliente de Interseed Potatoes, una firma alemana que fabrica patatas fritas con una variedad desarrollada por el centro tecnológico Neiker bautizada como Zorba.
八月 14, 2008

Burger King corp. abre su restaurante numero 1.000 en la region de Latino America y el Caribe

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) anunció hoy que ahora tiene abierto 1.000 restaurantes en la región de Latino América y el Caribe. En la actualidad, los restaurantes de BURGER KING® operan en 27 países de la región y han alcanzado 15 años de crecimiento p...
八月 14, 2008

Big Mac si, pero sin ’grasas trans’

Tras haber sido declarada la guerra contra la obesidad en Nueva York por la alcaldía, franquicias como Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, McDonalds, KFC y Pizza Hut han eliminado de sus locales en la ciudad los tratamientos industriales para prolongar la vid...
八月 14, 2008

Patata de Galicia comercializo 7,2 millones de kilos en la pasada campaña, un 15% más que en la anterior

El Consejo Regulador de la Indicación Geográfica Protegida Patata de Galicia calcula en más de un millón el aumento del volumen de producción con respeto al año anterior. Los avances introducidos en el proceso de almacenaje de los tubérculos permitiero...
八月 14, 2008

Floods hurting potato chip processors in US Midwest

The damaging Midwest floods hurt the potato crop, which is now starting to be felt by chip processors and other companies. The floods cut supply and is driving up prices. Right now potato prices are up 10 to 25 percent. The owner of Mike's Mrs. Potato ...


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