
九月 24, 2010

BASF indentifies cause of Amadea and Amflora starch potato mingling

BASF Plant Science has identified the root cause of the starch potato comingling in northern Sweden. During the course of company's regular internal quality assurance measures in August, BASF Plant Science discovered 47 Amadea plants in Amflora propaga...
Nueva tecnología para el sellado de empaques ahorrará costos a McCain Foods (GB)
九月 24, 2010

Nueva tecnología para el sellado de empaques ahorrará costos a McCain Foods (GB)

International Food Partners Ltd (IFP) ha lanzado al mercado una nueva tecnología de sellado que reduce el empleo de miles de toneladas de material al año y proporciona una mayor integridad al producto.
 Glennans vegetable crisps
九月 23, 2010

Vegetable crisps manufacturer Glennans removes visual reference to vegetables from packaging

UK's vegetable crisp company Glennans has launched a new look packaging.
九月 23, 2010

Frito-Lay Modesto Powers Snack Factory With Help From the Sun

PepsiCo's Frito-Lay North America Modesto, Calif., manufacturing facility is building on its environmental sustainability efforts by installing an innovative cylindrical solar photovoltaic (PV) system on its rooftop.
 McCain Foods
九月 23, 2010

Tasmanian potato growers agree price cut with McCain

McCain Tasmanian potato growers supplying McCain have agreed on a price cut of $26.50 per tonne for this season.
 20 potatoes a day
九月 23, 2010

20 potatoes a day for two months to show potatoes are good for you

Potatoes are good for you, and Chris Voigt wants to prove it with an all-spud diet for the next two months.Starting Oct. 1, the Washington Potato Commission executive director will eat only potatoes -- 20 a day -- to let people know just how healthful ...
九月 23, 2010

Sarna común: una posible solución en el suelo

Los productores de papa han estado esperando que los científicos encuentren un camino para combatir la sarna común de la papa. Los investigadores han encontrado un defensor en el suelo. Traducción al castellano del Ing. Agr. Carlos A. Del Caso del artí...
九月 23, 2010

Bovenmaat pootgoed veel gevraagd

Bovenmaats pootgoed brengt momenteel 18 tot ruim 20 cent per kilo op.
九月 23, 2010

Duitse aardappeloogst naar beneden bijgesteld

De totale Duitse aardappeloogst is t.o.v. de eerder deze maand gedane prognose door het AMI met 300.000 ton naar beneden bijgesteld.
九月 22, 2010

Neerslag zorgt voor problemen in aardappelen

In met name de teeltgebieden boven de grote rivieren zal naar verwachting de flinke hoeveelheid neerslag van de laatste weken voor problemen in de aardappelen gaan zorgen.
 Conagra Foods you love
九月 21, 2010

Conagra Foods F2011 Q1 results

ConAgra Foods, Inc., recently reported results for the fiscal 2011 first quarter ended Aug. 29, 2010
九月 21, 2010

Azerbaijan to import 500 tons of Dutch seed potatoes ‘Mona Lisa’

Azerbaijan is to resume growing of potato of Dutch variety 'Mona Lisa'.


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