
Prince Edward Island Potato Board Denounces Elimination of Disinfection Services
十一月 12, 2015

Prince Edward Island Potato Board Denounces Elimination of Disinfection Services

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is very disappointed by the decision of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to completely discontinue disinfection services effective December 31st, 2015.
PEI government ends preventative disinfection program; Potato Board blindsided.
十一月 11, 2015

PEI government ends disinfection program to prevent ring rot; Potato Board blindsided.

The Prince Edward Island government is cutting funding to provincially-funded disinfection service, aimed at controlling potato ring rot.
Late blight on a potato leaf (Courtesy: Sue Boyetchko, AAFC)
六月 08, 2015

Research: naturally-occurring bacteria may protect potatoes against late blight

A research scientist at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada has discovered that naturally-occurring bacteria in soil may offer protection against late blight (Phytophthora Infestans).
AAFC Potato Research Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
三月 22, 2015

Canadian Government Invests in International Potato Research

Representatives of the Canadian Government announced an investment of $1.83 million in a Canadian-led international research effort to give potato farmers a technological edge in predicting and preventing yield losses in their fields and in storage.
Colorado Potato Beetle insecticide resistance spreading west (Courtesy: @spudology / twitter)
二月 23, 2015

Colorado Potato Beetle insecticide resistance spreading west

It should come as no surprise to Prairie potato growers that Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) insecticide resistance is increasing.
Potato Wart affects yield and makes potatoes unmarketable .Potato wart poses no risk to human health
一月 30, 2015

Canadian government negotiates new requirements for export of potatoes from Prince Edward Island to the US

Effective immediately, new requirements are in place for exporting potatoes from Prince Edward Island (PEI) to the United States (U.S.).
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Potato Seed shipments from Prince Edward Island to the United States halted
十月 21, 2014

Potato Seed shipments from Prince Edward Island to the United States halted

Following the discovery of potato wart on Prince Edward Island (PEI) in August the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) notified the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of temporary mitigation efforts by CFIA.
Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on a potato leaf
九月 07, 2014

Late blight concern for PEI potato farmers

The number of cases of a late blight (Phytophthora infestans) continues to grow on Prince Edward Island.
Late blight confirmed in Alberta
九月 07, 2014

Late blight confirmed in Alberta

In Alberta, late blight occurs infrequently, but can have devastating impacts in the years when it reaches epidemic levels.
Potato wart found in Prince Edward Island field
八月 20, 2014

Potato wart found in Prince Edward Island field

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has confirmed a case of potato wart in a Prince Edward Island field.
Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)
五月 21, 2014

Canadian and American potato growers benefit from new testing requirements for potato cyst nematode (PCN)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have adopted revised guidelines to manage potato cyst nematode (PCN) that will support potato growers, help facilitate international trade, and maintain protection against the pest.
Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight
四月 15, 2014

Alberta potato growers prepare for late blight

Times have changed for Alberta potato growers. Up until four years ago, the province was virtually late blight-free. Lately, wet springs and high humidity — uncharacteristic for this region — have nurtured the growth and spread of the disease.
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wireworm species in Canada
二月 09, 2014

No simple solution to deal with wireworm

Bob Vernon, an Agriculture Canada scientist, spoke to about 300 farmers on Prince Edward Island on wireworm, a pest he's been researching for 20 years.
Potato affected by late blight (ARS)
一月 21, 2014

Alberta takes up fight against late blight

A concerted effort has begun in Alberta Canada to raise awareness about the nastiness of late blight in tomatoes and potatoes.
Potato late blight
八月 13, 2013

Alberta: watch out for late blight

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development warns Alberta growers and gardeners for the risk of late blight.
 Potatoes growing on prince edward island
八月 02, 2013

Prince Edward Island Potato crop blight free

There has not been a single case of late blight reported on Prince Edward Island's potato crop this year, a situation agriculture officials are calling unusual.
 Henk Tepper sues Canadian Government
五月 07, 2013

Potato farmer suing Canadian Government after year in Beirut jail

Henk Tepper, the New Brunswick potato farmer who spent over a year in a Beirut jail cell on allegations he shipped rotten potatoes to Algeria is suing the Canadian government, arguing it didn't protect his Charter rights.
Prince Edward Island potato farmers fight rot in storage due to sugar ends
三月 14, 2013

Prince Edward Island potato farmers fight rot in storage due to sugar ends

Some farmers on P.E.I. are dealing with the problem of potatoes rotting in storage this winter and growers in the western part of the province are especially hard hit.


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