
Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports form France and Germany
八月 22, 2016

Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports from France and Germany

Consumers in Croatia say that local potatoes should not be more expensive than German or French potatoes.
Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border
八月 21, 2016

Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border

Algerian potato exporters are still having trouble at the border crossing Tebessa between Algeria and Tunisia. Tunisian customs do not allow trucks carrying tons of potatoes to enter Tunisia although all the legal procedures are completed.
AUSVEG: Predicted rise in potato imports threat to Australian industry
八月 17, 2016

AUSVEG: Predicted rise in potato imports threat to Australian industry

A significant rise in potato imports into Australia is forecast for 2016, sparking concern about the profitability and competitiveness of the Australian potato industry over the coming months.
Competitive international position of potatoes from Bangladesh
七月 28, 2016

Competitive international position of potatoes from Bangladesh

Ahiyan Impex Ltd. is a Bangladeshi exporter and importer of agricultural products which ships potatoes to various international destinations, including Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Dubai or Bahrain, and with interest to expand in Russia, despite some initial phytosanitary issues.
Potato Acreage Canada down 1.8 percent
七月 27, 2016

Potato Acreage Canada down 1.8 percent

Statistics Canada reported that potato farmers in Canada planted 342,602 acres (138 647 hectares) of potatoes in 2016. This is down 1.8% from 2015, continuing the overall downward trend of the past 12 years.
Indian Government sets Minimum Export Price (MEP) for potato of USD 360 per tonne
七月 27, 2016

Indian Government sets Minimum Export Price (MEP) for potato of USD 360 per tonne

The government of India today imposed minimum export price (MEP) of USD 360 per tonne on potato to increase domestic availability and cool prices.
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Record high potato prices in Russia
七月 25, 2016

Record high potato prices in Russia

In Russia, potatoes have hit record high prices due to supplies being imported and a lack of vegetable storage.
Swiss potato statistics (Yield and Acreage) from 1997 - 2015
七月 18, 2016

Swiss potato harvest washed away

In Switzerland, the weather wasn’t on the side of potato producers. After last year’s bad conditions, this year the harvest has literally washed away. There are already farmers who have written off their crops and ploughed under the potato crop.
Mexican judge bans import of fresh US potatoes
七月 09, 2016

Mexican judge bans import of fresh US potatoes

A federal judge in Mexico’s Northern State of Sinaola issued a decree that bans the import of fresh potatoes from the United States.
UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers
七月 06, 2016

UK retailer Tesco introduces three-year contracts for potato growers and packers

UK Supermarket chain Tesco has announced it will issue contracts worth £12 million over three years to help support British Agriculture, and become the first retailer in the UK to introduce new long term contracts for potato growers and packers.
To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'
七月 05, 2016

To boost potato export, India considers establishment of 'pest-free zones'

Aiming to boost potato exports, the Indian government is considering identifying ‘pest-free zones’ for the staple in production clusters of the growing states like Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Venezuela: Ahora roban la papa en las principales carreteras
七月 03, 2016

Venezuela: Ahora roban la papa en las principales carreteras

Debido a la venta ilegal de alimentos que afecta al país, los bachaqueros (personas que compran y revenden productos) tienen ahora como blanco a productores y comerciantes que desde el campo trasladan alimentos a las ciudades, y ahora son atacados en las autopistas para quitarles la comida.
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Potato acreage North-western Europe grown by 5 percent, estimates NEPG
六月 29, 2016

Potato acreage North-western Europe increased by 5 percent, expects NEPG

The North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) expect the combined potato acreage in Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain to be 552.000 hectares (1.36 million acres). This is an increase of 4.9 percent compared to last year.
NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent
六月 29, 2016

NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent

De NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht in North-Western Europe een areaal van 552.000 hectare consumptieaardappelen. Dit is 4,9% meer dan vorig seizoen.
México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos México-prohibe-importar-papa-fresca-de-Estados-Unidos
六月 28, 2016

México prohíbe importaciones de papa fresca de Estados Unidos

Un juez federal de México prohibió el ingreso al país de papa fresca de Estados Unidos ante la posibilidad de que los plaguicidas utilizados en su cultivo generen daños al medio ambiente, a la biodiversidad o a la población.
UK Food Industry responds to Brexit vote
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UK Food Industry response to Brexit vote: a disappointing result

Ian Wright CBE, Director General at the Food and Drink Federation, the voice of the UK's largest manufacturing sector - food and drink, responds to the vote to leave in the UK's EU Referendum.
AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote
六月 24, 2016

AHDB CEO Jane King comments on Brexit vote

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s Chief Executive, Jane King, comments on the Brexit vote earlier today.
Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros
六月 19, 2016

Seed Potato Price paid to Dutch HZPC farmers exceeds 30 euros

HZPC Holland B.V., a leading potato breeding company sets the final price for harvest 2015 for its Dutch seed potato pool at € 30,28 per 100 kilo.


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