
Judge rules Idaho Potato Fields Illegally Quarantined
三月 28, 2018

Judge rules Idaho Potato Fields illegally Quarantined

A federal judge ruled that the United States government illegally quarantined some Idaho potato fields infested with potato cyst nematodes (PCN), a pest that could threaten the state’s $1.2 billion potato industry.
India: Higher Potato Prices reported in Punjab, West-Bengal
三月 22, 2018

India: Higher Potato Prices reported in Punjab, West-Bengal

Higher potato prices are reported in various states of India (Punjab, West-Bengal), offering relief (Punjab) or even a windfall (West-Bengal) for farmers.
Georgia bans the import of potato from Turkey citing potato wart risks
三月 22, 2018

Georgia bans the import of potato from Turkey citing potato wart risks

Georgia’s Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture stated that they have banned potato imports from Turkey until July, 2018 to eliminate the spread of 'potato cancer' on Georgian territory.
Record amounts of potatoes in stock in Great Britain
三月 20, 2018

Record amounts of potatoes in stock in Great Britain

Great Britain potato stock levels held by growers are estimated at 2.4Mt as at the end of January. This represents the largest end-January stocks figure since the stocks survey began in 2010.
Russia blocks two potato shipments imported from Egypt due to detection brown rot
三月 20, 2018

Russia blocks two potato shipments from Egypt due to detection brown rot

Russia’s agricultural quarantine authorities flagged two potato shipments imported from Egypt that were found to be contaminated with potato brown rot.
Jamaica anticipates 100% self-sufficiency for table potatoes this year
三月 18, 2018

Jamaica anticipates 100% self-sufficiency for table potatoes this year

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica, Hon. J.C. Hutchinson says he is anticipating that Jamaica will achieve its goal of 100 per cent self-sufficiency in the production of table Irish potato this year.
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Record Investments in the Belgian Potato Processing Sector continued in 2017
三月 16, 2018

Record Investments in the Belgian Potato Processing Sector continued in 2017

The record year of 2016 for the Belgian potato processing industry continued into 2017, according to Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processing industry association.
Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes
三月 11, 2018

Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes

Jamaican potato farmers receive financial support from an unexpected source: a hotel chain wanting to serve its guests with locally grown Irish potatoes
Perú empezó a exportar papa blanca al Brasil
三月 07, 2018

Perú empezó a exportar papa blanca al Brasil

El Gobierno logró impulsar la primera venta de papa blanca al mercado brasilero. Se trata de un lote de 20 toneladas de la variedad Yungay, que beneficiará a productores de Junín, Huánuco, Ayacucho y Huancavelica.
Banco Mundial destaca cadenas de valor de la papa nativa
三月 06, 2018

Banco Mundial destaca cadenas de valor de la papa nativa

Un libro publicado por el Banco Mundial cuenta cómo los agricultores andinos venden sus variedades de papas nativas a mejores precios, gracias al trabajo del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y sus socios.
Idaho Potato Crop of 2017 valued at $1.2 billion, a 22.7% increase!
三月 06, 2018

USDA estimates the 2017 Idaho Potato Crop Value at $1.2 billion, up 22.7 percent

The USDA reported the preliminary estimated value for the Idaho® Potato crop of 2017 at USD 1.2 billion, a 22.7% leap from the previous year.
Potato Export Ukraine more than tripled in 2017
三月 06, 2018

Potato Export Ukraine more than tripled in 2017

In 2017, the Ukraine exported 17.6 thousand tonnes of potatoes, 3.5 times more than in 2016
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Potato Farmers in Bangladesh worried by fall potato price
三月 05, 2018

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh worried by drop in potato price

Potato growers of the Thakurgaon district, Bangladesh are worried that they might not be able to recover the production cost due to sudden drop in the prices of the vegetable in the ongoing harvesting season.
México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa
三月 03, 2018

México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa

Las cosechas de los predios sembrados en octubre y noviembre, meses con mucho calor, han tenido un desplome de hasta el 25% en rendimiento.
Dutch French Fries a hit in South Korea
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Dutch French Fries gaining ground in South Korea

Dutch potato processing companies are increasing their market share in the South Korean Frozen French Fry market.
Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years
三月 01, 2018

Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years

The North-Western European Potato Growers report on volume and condition of the potatoes still in storage
Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes in 2018
三月 01, 2018

Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes in 2018

Senegal expects to produce 150,000 tons of potatoes this year. This represents an increase by 32,000 tons compared to last year.
Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until 2019
二月 27, 2018

Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until 2019

Uzbekistan will allow tax-free import of potatoes until January 1, 2019. The measure is intended to eliminate the shortage of potatoes in the domestic market and to curb rising prices


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