
Iranian government is doubling down on potato production
九月 23, 2019

Iranian government is doubling down on potato production

As American sanctions are choking Iran’s economy, the country is increasingly looking to spuds as a cost-effective alternative to the traditional imports that have fed many Iranians.
Canadian Potato Crop Report September 11, 2019
九月 20, 2019

Canadian Potato Crop Report September 11, 2019

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) has released its most recent Canadian Potato Crop Report.
Domestic Potato Market Report
九月 20, 2019

Ireland Potato Market Report

In Ireland, dryer weather is welcomed this week by areas where harvesting conditions are problematic, particularly Donegal. This dry period will hopefully aid the digging of the main Rooster crop. National Potato Day takes place on October 4th this year.
Asaja León pide a los almacenistas de patatas que estabilicen los precios con margen de beneficio para todos los eslabones de la cadena
九月 18, 2019

Asaja León pide a los almacenistas de patatas que estabilicen los precios con margen de beneficio para todos los eslabones de la cadena

La organización agraria Asaja muestra su preocupación por los precios, cuya campaña arranca ahora de forma generalizada en la provincia de León, después de que estos hayan experimentado importantes caídas en los últimos días.
El «brexit» augura un futuro desconocido para los profesionales de las patatas
九月 18, 2019

El «brexit» augura un futuro desconocido para los profesionales de las patatas

El alcalde de Coristanco, Juan Carlos García dio ayer inicio a la Festa da Pataca de Coristanco, que arrancó de la mejor de las maneras posibles: con una jornada técnica sobre el producto característico del municipio, muy beneficiosa para los productores.
Ibérica de Patatas espera vender un 22% más de patata nueva de la Comunidad de Madrid
九月 18, 2019

Ibérica de Patatas espera vender un 22% más de patata nueva de la Comunidad de Madrid

Ibérica de Patatas lleva de nuevo a la gran distribución la patata nueva de la Comunidad de Madrid. Bajo la marca La Auténtica Patata-Especial Castiza, la compañía prevé comercializar en esta campaña unos 550.000 kilogramos.
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Sun Sets on 55-Year Potato Co-op
九月 17, 2019

Sun Sets on 55-Year Potato Co-op

The mood was upbeat and confident at the Malin Potato Cooperative in February of 2015. The Merrill, Oregon, agricultural co-op was preparing to open a brand-new, $7 million state-of-the-art potato packing plant.
NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level
九月 10, 2019

NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates the
forecasted potato harvest 2019 between 27 and 27,3 million tons for the
5 leading potato countries. This is 3% more than the 5 years average and
12% more than last year.
US potato farmers seek new trade deal with Mexico to 'level the playing field'
九月 10, 2019

US potato farmers seek new trade deal with Mexico to 'level the playing field'

Potato farmers are asking U.S. agricultural officials for support in expanding export trade into Mexico. Currently, American potato farmers and exporters are mostly barred from selling fresh potatoes in Mexico due to restrictions by the Mexican government
Tasmanian McCain potato growers gain price increase
九月 10, 2019

Tasmanian McCain potato growers gain price increase

A long-awaited price increase has come for the state's McCain potato growers. Grower Beau Gooch said the $33 per tonne increase would help put profitability back in the paddock.
Analyst Insight: No deal Brexit in the fresh chipping sector
九月 09, 2019

Analyst Insight: No deal Brexit impact on the fresh chipping sector

The fresh chipping sector makes up about 12% of total potato production in Great Britain. The market follows season trends with demand driven by chip shop footfall throughout the year.
An international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.
九月 02, 2019

Potato Europe 2019, an international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.

On 4 and 5 September the international potato fair PotatoEurope 2019 will take place in
Tournai. That the fair continues to grow is demonstrated by the fact that there are almost
20% more exhibitors from 17 different countries.
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World Potato Congress Inc partner of the African Potato Association at the triennial conference in Kigali, Rwanda
八月 30, 2019

World Potato Congress Inc partner of the African Potato Association at the triennial conference in Kigali, Rwanda

During his presentation at the official opening of the 11th African Potato Congress in Kigali, Rwanda, World Potato Congress President Romain Cools announced the continuous effort of his organization to be a partner of the African potato sector.
Tasmanian Potato Farmers accepted Simplot's latest price offer
八月 28, 2019

Tasmanian Potato Farmers accepted Simplot's latest price offer

More than 80 potato growers in Tasmania, Australia felt a sense of relief when receiving Simplot's second offer for their processing potatoes, says Nathan Richardson, chairperson of the Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Association (TFGA) Vegetable Council.
Los altos rendimientos marcan la campaña de patata en Castilla y León
八月 28, 2019

Los altos rendimientos marcan la campaña de patata en Castilla y León

Los altos rendimientos marcan la campaña de patata en Castilla y León donde los precios de las variedades de lavado se mantienen estables entre los 0,20 y los 0,25 euros.
Quality of Irish Potatoes looking great
八月 22, 2019

Quality of main season Irish potatoes excellent

In Ireland, digging of new season Rooster continues and increased prepack volumes are available on supermarket shelves this week. Excellent quality is reported to date of the main season crop.
Patatas holandesas de baja calidad: los comerciantes sudamericanos miran hacia China
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Patatas holandesas de baja calidad: los comerciantes sudamericanos miran hacia China

Recientes declaraciones de Kuncan Zhu, gerente de la empresa china Shandong YSC Import & Export Co., Ltd
Los rendimientos de la patata en Castilla y León 'están siendo muy buenos' por la ausencia de tormentas
八月 21, 2019

Los rendimientos de la patata en Castilla y León 'están siendo muy buenos' por la ausencia de tormentas

Entrevista con Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de la Asociación de Productores de Patata de Castilla y León.


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