
Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK
四月 26, 2021

Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK

There seems to be little hope for an imminent agreement between the EU and the UK on mutual trade in seed potatoes. If no agreement is reached, there is a good chance that the export of seed potatoes from EU countries to the UK will be resolutely closed on 1 July.
How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties
四月 26, 2021

How HZPC serves the Russian market with its potato varieties

In Russia, HZPC is using an unconventional strategy to secure its potato trade for the future: in 2019, a small breeding company was set up to provide Russian contract growers with pre-basic seed potatoes. In 2020, the production of mini-tubers was added too.
In Georgia, potato prices hit historic lows, stocks are at record levels, and imports are increasing
四月 20, 2021

In Georgia, potato prices hit historic lows, stocks are at record levels, and imports are increasing

The Georgian team of EastFruit analysts draws attention to the unusual situation in the Georgian potato market this season.
AHDB February trade round-up: Potatoes
四月 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Fresh potato export in February lags behind previous years

HMRC has now released trade data covering up to the end of February 2021. In January, after the end of the transition period to leave the European Union (EU), we saw some teething issues in exports. Did these continue into February?
Azerbaijan growing foreign varieties of potatoes
四月 20, 2021

Azerbaijan is importing new potato varieties

New foreign varieties of potatoes are grown in Azerbaijan. Samir Verdiyev, a local farmer said he grows potatoes in six districts of the country, delivering only seeds of varieties to Azerbaijan.
Bangladesh Agricultural Corporation BADC contract growers export potatoes to Malaysia
四月 20, 2021

Bangladesh Agricultural Corporation (BADC) contract growers for the export of potatoes to Malaysia

Potatoes produced by contract growers of the Bangladesh Agricultural Corporation (BADC) are now being exported to Malaysia.
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Uzbekistan could sharply reduce the imports of potatoes in 2021
四月 20, 2021

Uzbekistan could sharply reduce the imports of potatoes in 2021

In February EastFruit experts identified the main reasons for the sharp rise in potatos prices in Uzbekistan over the past few years, having analyzed trends in the production, import and consumption of potatoes for the period from 2000 to 2020.
Patata en Castilla y León: siembras muy avanzadas y buenas previsiones de mercado
四月 20, 2021

Patata en Castilla y León: siembras muy avanzadas y buenas previsiones de mercado

Las siembras de patata en Castilla y León han vuelto a reanudarse tras una semana de parón por las últimas lluvias. Se prevé que vuelva a llover este fin de semana, lo que significaría un nuevo parón.
Los productores del tubérculo en Boyacá aseguran que la actual crisis es peor por la que atravesaron en el 2020.
四月 20, 2021

Colombia: Campesinos afirman que la crisis de la papa se ha agravado

Ante la crisis que atravesaron los papicultores en el año 2020, resultado de la importación y sobreoferta de papa, y por la dura crisis que se ha enfrentado tras el covid-19, actualmente dicen que la situación es peor de difícil.
Japan Tariff Reductions For US Potatoes - Fries Now Enter Tariff Free
四月 17, 2021

Japan Tariff Reductions For US Potatoes - Fries Now Enter Tariff Free

Last week Japan eliminated its remaining 2.1% tariff on US frozen fries (HS 2004.10) as a result of the tariff concessions secured under the US-Japan Trade Agreement.
Argentina: El consumo de papa alcanzó en 2020 los 52 kilos por habitante al año y superó al de la carne vacuna
四月 12, 2021

Argentina: El consumo de papa alcanzó en 2020 los 52 kilos por habitante al año y superó al de la carne vacuna

El consumo de la hortaliza, tanto como producto fresco como procesado, saltó casi un 20 porciento en cuatro años. Cultivada en varias zonas del país, se cosecharon 2,85 millones de toneladas, de las cuales, más de la mitad, se produjeron en el sudeste bonaerense.
Si México deja pasar papa fresca de EU, se perderá autosuficiencia alimentaria: Conpapa
四月 12, 2021

Si México deja pasar papa fresca de EU, se perderá autosuficiencia alimentaria: Conpapa

México produce 1.8 millones de toneladas anuales, donde se exporta muy poco por los riesgos fitosanitarios que hay en el mundo.
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Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers
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Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers. A majority voted against continuation of a levy.

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P.E.I. seed potatoes cleared for export to U.S. after no more wart found
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Prince Edward Island seed potatoes cleared for export to United States after no more potato wart found

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has lifted its voluntary suspension of export certification for P.E.I. seed potatoes, allowing trade to the United States to resume.


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