España: disponibilidad de semilla se ve comprometida
一月 15, 2024

España: disponibilidad de semilla se ve comprometida

En España la disponibilidad de semilla de patata se ve comprometida debido a las restricciones en el uso de agroquímicos y a la poca producción.
The COTX08063-2Ru potato clone by the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program is being touted as the best chance for Texas to enter into the french fry market. (Courtesy: Texas A&M AgriLife)
一月 11, 2024

Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program highlights market, varietal expansions

Advances, including Texas french fry variety and nutrition qualities, to be discussed at National Potato Expo in Austin.
Delhi HC permits PepsiCo to claim patent for potato chips variety
一月 10, 2024

Delhi HC permits PepsiCo to claim patent for potato chips variety

The Delhi High Court on Tuesday ruled that PepsiCo can claim a patent for the potato variety grown for its potato chips.
State Agri dept begins potato cultivation at North Bengal Univ
一月 08, 2024

West Bengal has started potato multiplication using Apical Rooted Cutting at University of North Bengal

The Agriculture department of Government of West Bengal has started potato cultivation with Apical Rooted Cutting (ARC) process at the Centre of Floriculture and Agri-Business Management (COFAM) department of the University of North Bengal in Siliguri.
(ID) Variedades de papa Quintera y Farida
一月 03, 2024

Honduras: nuevas variedades de papa introducidas para la comercialización

Honduras introdujo dos nuevas variedades de papa para su comercialización, Farida y Quintera, de la compañía HZPC.
Potato production through zero-tillage with straw mulch (PZTM)
十二月 28, 2023

CIP Introduces Zero Tillage Potato Farming Innovation in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Peru

Zero tillage not only boosts soil fertility and raises carbon stocks but also prolongs the potato growing season by harnessing the residual moisture after the rice harvest.
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Brotes de la patata granadina 'copo de nieve' (Cortesía: UGR)
十二月 26, 2023

España: rescatan variedad al borde de la desaparición

La universidad de Granada, España, rescata a una variedad llamada Copo de Nieve de su desaparición por haber sido abandonado su cultivo.
Revista Campo ha acompañado a Contagri en un día de siembras
十二月 23, 2023

España: siembra temprana comienza en el sur en un contexto de sequía

Comenzó en el sur de españa la siembra de papa temprana, con optimismo a pesar de la sequía.
El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa
十二月 20, 2023

El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa

En un reciente estudio publicado en la revista 'Climate', investigadores buscan comprender el impacto del cambio climático sobre la producción de papa en Europa, y las estrategias para sobreponerse a él.
Perú: capacitación a productores sobre el acceso y uso de semilla de alta calidad
十二月 19, 2023

Perú: capacitación a productores sobre el acceso y uso de semilla de alta calidad

En Perú, el Ministerio Agrario capacita a pequeños y medianos productores sobre el acceso y uso de semillas de alta calidad.
(LR) Jan van Hoogen, General Director and Adrie Vermeulen previous Chairman of Agrico
十二月 19, 2023

Jan van Hoogen hands over the baton to Mark Zuidhof as potato cooperative Agrico passes EUR 400 million in sales

Last week Agrico held its annual central members’ meeting, during which the financial statements of 2022/2023 were explained and the members looked ahead to the new harvest year.
Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
十二月 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
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Patatas crudas después de sacarlas de los campos cultivados.
十二月 04, 2023

Argentina: comienza la cosecha de papa en la provincia de Buenos Aires

Comienza la cosecha de papa en la zona central de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Potato cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, India
十二月 01, 2023

Ramban’s high altitude areas to emerge as major potato seed producers

High-altitude areas of district Ramban like Gool, Mahu Mangit and Sanasar could become major potato seed producer areas and make the local farmers self-sufficient.
Agrico Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research Tackle Challenges in Ukraine's Seed Potato Industry
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Agrico Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research Tackle Challenges of the Seed Potato Industry in the Country

After Potatodays in the Netherlands, Agrico Ukraine together with Ukrainian Institute of Potato Research initiated a round table to discuss challenges in seed potato production in Ukraine.
Agrico and Agrico PSA to expand their activities into Tanzania
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Agrico and Agrico PSA to expand their seed potato activities in Tanzania

By signing the distribution agreement with Fraxen Consult Ltd, Agrico seed potatoes will be exported to small-scale farmers in Tanzania later this year.
Rob Sears hopes his bioengineered potato radiation sensors will open the door to future innovations in organic technology. Image courtesy UTIA.
十一月 29, 2023

UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation

PhD student Rob Sears engineered the potato plant, also known as a phytosensor, to indicate high radiation levels through changing leaf fluorescence.
HCİP210, newly launched potato variety suitable for Vietnam
十一月 27, 2023

HZPC and CIP develop an early-maturing potato variety suitable for Vietnam: HCIP210

Vietnam has just welcomed a new potato variety HCIP210 developed through a public-private partnership.


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