Western Innovator: Potato researcher thrives on questions
六月 21, 2019

Western Innovator: Potato researcher thrives on questions

Mark Pavek, professor and potato specialist at Washington State University, at one of the research potato fields in Othello.
Productores logran 45 toneladas por hectárea de papa INIA 309-Serranita en primera cosecha
六月 19, 2019

Productores logran 45 toneladas por hectárea de papa INIA 309-Serranita en primera cosecha

Agricultores del Centro Poblado de Huanchar, del distrito de Santa Rosa, provincia de Concepción, Junín, obtuvieron su primera cosecha de papa INIA 309-Serranita, una variedad liberada por el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA).
Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa
六月 12, 2019

Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa

El Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) red CITE del Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), transferirá más de dos millones de soles al CITEpapa para mejorar la competitividad de la cadena productiva del tubérculo y otros cultivos andinos.
Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material
六月 11, 2019

Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material

Plant breeders and geneticists of Cornell University have released more than 50 potato varieties since 1908. Now they are expanding their efforts to make more wild potato seeds available to potato breeders around the world.
六月 05, 2019

25% of Chinese potatoes were improved with varieties from Peru

China is the largest producer and consumer of potatoes in the world
Día Internacional de la papa: buena ocasión para recordar a los guardianes de las papas nativas. (Cortesía: Publimetro)
六月 05, 2019

Los guardianes de las papas nativas

En su Día Nacional, presentamos el trabajo del Centro Internacional de la Papa en la comunidad de San José de Aymara, en Huancavelica, para preservar su diversidad.
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Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas
六月 05, 2019

Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas

Perú celebró ayer el Día Nacional de la papa, que también fue la protagonista del Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad este año. Para conservar sus variedades cuenta con el apoyo de Alemania, entre otros países.
James Gachiri, a 29 years old farmer and the Secretary-General of the forum
六月 03, 2019

Youth in Kenya embraces new technology in seed potato production

Despite being a trained accountant and currently pursuing a Bachelor in Commerce, James Gachiri had a desire to become a successful potato farmer.
五月 30, 2019

Potatoes: Facts and Preservation

The Potato (Solanum tuberosum) plant is native to Upper Peru and northeastern Bolivia. There, under adverse conditions, the ancient Incas domesticated the plant in large terraces like the ones at Machu Pichu.
Ethiopian farmers help researchers select potato varieties that the market demands (Courtesy: CIP)
五月 29, 2019

Ethiopian farmers help researchers select potato varieties that the market demands

Potato is important to food security and a cash crop in Ethiopia with high potential to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, who account for 83% of the total population and hold 95% of agricultural land.
五月 29, 2019

The Arequipa region in Peru is looking to increase its potato production

Potato Farmers in the Arequipa region in Southwestern Peru are expected to increase the amount of potatoes grown. The local agricultural Ministry is assisting to adjust the amount produced to the demand
Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust
五月 24, 2019

Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust

Dutch family-run potato company Schaap Holland B.V. acquired 5% of the Brussels-based Breeders Trust shares. Breeders Trust supports its shareholders in issues relating to compliance with and enforcement of plant breeder’s rights.
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At this time, with the transition from potatoes for storage to new potatoes, the sector's prospects are optimal. (Courtesy: FreshPlaza)
五月 16, 2019

Start of a good campaign in Spain for new and processing potatoes

At this time, with the transition from potatoes for storage to new potatoes, the sector's prospects are optimal.
五月 15, 2019

The oldest potatoes in Europe are grown in Tenerife

The last direct descendants in Europe of the potatoes brought directly from America by the conquistadors are grown in the Canaries. These potatoes have evocative names, like 'black lily' and stand out for their sweet flavor.
The authors of the study from FAU (from left): PD Dr. Sophia Sonnewald, Günter Lehretz, Dr. José María Corral García and Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald. (Courtesy: FAU / Rabih Mehdi)
五月 15, 2019

Breakthrough research: potatoes can grow at high temperatures

If there’s one thing potato plants don’t like, it’s heat. If the temperature is too high, potato plants form significantly lower numbers of tubers or sometimes none at all. Biochemists at FAU have now discovered the reason why.
Congress 2019 The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food. (Courtesy: Europatat)
五月 13, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!

The Europatat 2019 Congress, co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, will take place in Oslo (Norway) from 12 to 14 June 2019. Under the slogan 'The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food'
Red potato harvest in Pearsall, TX (Courtesy: FreshPlaza)
五月 13, 2019

Harvest begins for Texas potato crop

Black Gold Farms started harvest of the 2019 fresh crop of Texas colored potatoes earlier this week. According to the company, the first run fields have indicated that the quality will be better than ever.
Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varietals. (Courtesy: Cultivate Michigan)
五月 10, 2019

Blending potato varieties on the rise

Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varieties.


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