Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector
一月 29, 2021

Brexit to revitalise Ireland’s seed potato sector

Ireland’s seed potato sector looks set to get a Brexit shot in the arm. This was one of the key messages delivered courtesy of the second Spring Tillage Webinar, hosted by Teagasc this week.
Pakistan research council (PARC) distributes 50,000 potato tubers to Gilgit Baltistan to promote disease free potato production
一月 28, 2021

Pakistan research council distributes 50,000 potato tubers to Gilgit Baltistan to promote disease free potato production

Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) has provided over 50,000 potato tubers to Agriculture Department of Gilgit Baltistan (Northern Areas) in order to promote disease free potato production.
Chile: Investigadores cosechan las primeras papas chilotas sembradas en laboratorio
一月 25, 2021

Chile: Investigadores cosechan las primeras papas chilotas sembradas en laboratorio

El proyecto, apoyado por el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Fondecyt, busca medir los beneficios de dichas variedades nativas versus las tradicionales.
Dr. Peter VanderZaag, a potato farmer in Canada
一月 19, 2021

Webinar: 'Aeroponics for Nuclear Seed Potato Production: History, Status and Challenges'

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to present its next webinar on Thursday, February 18, 2021, with Dr. Peter VanderZaag, a potato farmer in Canada and due to COVID-19, now an armchair consultant involved with numerous potato projects in Asia and Africa.
Time for the Tlingit Potato
一月 19, 2021

Time for the Tlingit Potato

Genetically distinct from its European counterparts, this coastal Alaska potato predates modern taste for russets and Yukon Golds.
Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'
一月 18, 2021

Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'

El primer transgénico nacional aprobado para consumo humano directo finalmente fue aprobado, a pesar de la oposición de toda la cadena vinculada al cultivo.
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INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial
一月 18, 2021

INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial

El mejoramiento genético de la papa por parte de los expertos del organismo, que sintetiza 80 años de investigación en México, ha logrado rendimientos de 50 a 70 toneladas por hectárea.
一月 15, 2021

Beltza potato, developed by Neiker, reaches the market

It is a variety registered by Neiker to help the agricultural sector with innovative products to diversify and adapt to the demands of consumers.
Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread
一月 11, 2021

Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread

Starch-based gluten-free bread (formulations containing a mixture of corn and potato starch with hydrocolloids) are deficient in nutrients and do not contain health promoting compounds.
Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year
一月 10, 2021

Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year

Given the unusual times of a global pandemic, the Idaho Potato Conference shifted from the annual in-person conference held in Pocatello to three days of virtual presentations.
Goodbye to potato late blight
一月 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters
一月 04, 2021

Brexit: Scottish minister pledges to fight for seed potato exporters

The Scottish Government has said the seed potato industry is facing disaster through the Brexit deal. Exports of seed potatoes - a vital Scottish export - will not be part of a trade deal between the UK and EU
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HZPC: From Seed potato to Seed: Optimizing the germination of TPS
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From Seed potato to Seed: Optimizing the germination of TPS

This year HZPC expects to own the first prototype of a hybrid potato variety. These potatoes will be sown instead of planted, and that offers a perspective for the food security of areas that are hard to reach.
El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles
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El hombre que intenta llevar el cultivo de la patata al siglo XXI

El agricultor Peter Imle intenta reducir a la mitad su cantidad de cromosomas para abrir el camino a muchas nuevas variedades con características más útiles.
Agrico seed potatoes head to Bangladesh
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Agrico seed potatoes head to Bangladesh

How do Agrico seed potatoes find their way to Bangladesh? The journey starts with the sale of the seed potatoes.
A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19
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A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19

Biodiversity loss threatens national security. We need to invest in technologies to preserve our vital food varieties.
Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport
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Smart Big Bags for seed potatoes keep track of temperature during transport

With the pilot, 'smart big bags' HZPC uses the internet of things to share knowledge and get a better grip on the delivery process of seed potatoes.
Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons just for the Rangpur division
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Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons for the Rangpur division

Bangladesh targets potato production of over 4 million tons just for the Rangpur division


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