Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?
五月 18, 2023

Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?

This year is marked by strong demand and insufficient supply of potatoes, a situation that professionals of the industry and media go so far as to call 'the global potato shortage'.
Potato Days Türkiye new venue in 2023!
五月 18, 2023

Potato Days Türkiye moves to a new venue in 2023!

On August 25, 2023 the third edition of DLG’s 'Potato Days Türkiye', the only trade fair in Turkey dedicated to potato cultivation, will take place in Cappadocia, Nevsehir.
Nuevos mercados a los exportadores egipcios
五月 17, 2023

Las patatas egipcias obtienen buenos resultados en el mercado español

Este año se ha caracterizado por cambios en el clima mundial que han trastocado las producción de patatas y provocado alteraciones en los canales de aprovisionamiento.
HZPC UK strengthens position with acquisition of TLC Potatoes
五月 16, 2023

HZPC UK strengthens position with acquisition of TLC Potatoes

HZPC UK, a member of the Royal HZPC Group, a leader in potato varieties and seed production for the entire potato industry in the UK, announced the acquisition of TLC Potatoes, one of Scotland's leading minituber producers.
Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK
五月 15, 2023

Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK

Defra and UKRI, as part of the Farming Innovation Programme, recently announced funding for 'Potato-LITE' – a multimillion pound project over four years
Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts
五月 11, 2023

Potato breeder Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts

Potato breeder HZPC expects turnover to grow 11% from last year (then EUR 352 million (USD 386 million)) with a gross margin of EUR 66,5 million (USD 73 million) (last financial year EUR 63.9 million (USD 70 million).
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Early potato harvest
五月 10, 2023

Potato planting in Castilla y Leon reaches its final stretch and it's possible yields fall

The sowing campaign, which started on February 20 with the planting of the short-cycle varieties, has reached its final stretch in the later areas of Leon, Burgos, and Segovia.
Patata nueva andaluza
五月 10, 2023

La producción de patata nueva andaluza se reduce cerca del 35 porciento

La campaña de recolección de patata nueva temprana de Andalucía, principal comunidad productora y exportadora, comienza en estos días en las provincias de Sevilla, Córdoba y Cádiz con unas previsiones de producción de entre el 25 y 35 por ciento menos respecto a la campaña del año anterior.
Francisco Moya
五月 08, 2023

Francisco Moya, presidente de CNIPT: “Las necesidades de patata en el mundo son muy altas”

Hombre de consensos, firme defensor y creyente de las actuaciones a nivel de conjunto, Moya tomó el relevo de la presidencia del CNIPT a finales de 2022.
Georgia imports the highest volumes of seed potatoes in eight years
五月 04, 2023

Georgia imported more seed potatoes

EastFruit reviewed trade data of Georgia (country) for seed potatoes. In Georgia many farmers have switched to onions for the new season as in the last season the onions from the June harvest were more profitable than the potatoes from the same period.
A quality mark for potato seeds in India
五月 01, 2023

A quality mark for seed potatoes in India

After extensive deliberations with different stakeholders including government officials, Haryana State Seed Certification Agency (HSSCA), and seed producers, the Government of Haryana with support from the CIP team launched the Har Aloo potato seed quality certification system.
Minister tells Thomson Seed Potato Exports to Northern Ireland to resume in autumn
四月 26, 2023

Seed Potato Exports from Scotland to Northern Ireland said to resume in autumn

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has been advised by DEFRA that new requirements which will allow quality Scottish seed potatoes back into their Northern Irish markets are expected to be in place for autumn this year.
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Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
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Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

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Argentina: El INTA lidera el mejoramiento genético del cultivo de papa

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New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome
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New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome

The Dutch company Altena Potatoes received its first full truckloads of Santé potatoes.
Mitolo Family Farms enters into strategic partnership with Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
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Canadian pension fund acquires majority stake in Mitolo Family Farms, Australia's largest potato supplier

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board, a Canadian pension fund, acquires the majority stake in Mitolo Family Farms, the largest potato grower and packer in Australia.
Growers group works on future-proof seed potato cultivation
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HZPC works with growers to future-proof seed potato cultivation

Growers learn best from other growers. This has been proven by the future-proof seed potato cultivation project, an initiative to examine upcoming changes in potato cultivation with a group of growers.
Black Gold Farms welcomes Heath Webber to lead financial team
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Black Gold Farms welcomes Heath Webber to lead financial team

Heath Webber, CPA, joins Black Gold Farms as Chief Financial Officer. Webber has more than 30 years of finance experience and a combined ten years in the CFO role.


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